How many Banes is enough?

I have one Bane at 3/50+13. I have another at 1/1 and just drew another. My yellow feeders are currently going to Wu. I would like to be able to compete in all rare levels of challenge events. My other Yellow 3*s are:

Melia 3/50
Kailani 3/50+9
Dawa 3/50
Gan Ju 3/1

Would I ever want 3 Banes for a Pirates?

Trying to decide if I should keep both Banes or feed one of them to Wu. Roster space is at a premium. I’m already sitting on several 3* at 1/1 waiting their turn. I’m F2P and don’t really want to buy the extra roster space. Trying to save all my gems for my first Atlantis 10 pull.

Any advice would be appreciated.


for sure, Bane is a great regular Three Star. I have two, and i use them on events challenge. fast, blind…great…

IMO keep at least 2. Then, focus on WU, he’s a game changer.

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For me zero Banes are enough, but you can keep one.

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Thanks @jejalpha. I’m going to max Wu first. Figure I have till June for Pirates.

What yellow 3* would you put ahead of him for the rare level of Pirates?


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You can keep as many as you like. Bane is best holy rare. I didn’t keep any rares and leave out those events.


@wineybrit. trust me, bring Brienne, two banes, one valen/Ulmer and other fast sniper ( berden for exemple ), and you can trust the top in rare event…Bane is fantastic, and brienne make them more valuable than they are already…!

no need to have S2 three stars or SP heroes from event ( but i have to admit they are great, like Melia or Gato )

have Faith in Bane : :metal:


I never keep more than one of a kind for 3*s but I’ve seen others in the Rare tier leaderboard who do. Still though, it’s perfectly realistic to aim for the top 3000 tier without duplicates.

Enemies are Purple, Red, and Green (including bosses). So you’ll need 2 teams to realistically place well. Red, Yellow, and Blue heroes are what you want to bring. Obviously no purple. No green either, unless it’s Brienne.

My teams that placed me near the top 100 last time:
(Peters and Locke as bosses):
Hawkmoon | Ulmer | Valen | Nashgar | Namahage

Every other stage:
Ulmer | Melia | Bane | Gan Ju | (Hawkmoon / Valen)

For the second team, I switched Hawkmoon out for Valen when I needed more firepower and brought extra potions.

Of course, this was also before emblems, and also before I had Gato, who I probably would replace with Ulmer or Valen.

So to answer your question; should you keep a duplicate Bane? Two sounds about right, he is tied with Melia as the best Holly Rare hero in my mind.


Two is enough. No need to keep more than that


Army of 5 Banes for #1 in VampCity. :wink:


I was planning on training 4 Banes + 1 Melia, but propably won’t. Rare event doesn’t have interesting rewards, aside from place 1, which I’m never gonna reach.
I think I’m gonna settle for what I have arleardy trained: 2Banes + Melia


That’s exactly what I have

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Agreed that the rewards are a bit lame for Rare tier. Which makes little sense to me considering it’s just as difficult to place well in it as the other tiers. Wish there were at least more ascension items for top 100 at the very least.

I do it for fun myself. And that’s the only reason anyone else should do it too, should they try to compete in Rare tier.

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Keep all your banes until you have 4.
They will be handy in the raid challenges I suspect.

If you care about events then 5 banes. Otherwise 1-2.

I like your questions because they encourage me to approach aspects of the game from totally different perspectives.

So many Banes in here, where do I begin?

My first thought is that I’d keep a spare unleveled Bane, but not two. This is partly because you are so likely to draw another Bane anyway by the time you’d need (be ready to feed) what would be the third Bane.

I don’t know how much you summon and what your training camps run at, but at a minimum you’re making a daily summons, where Bane can appear (though it’s admittedly a small chance). But I do know you don’t need him until you finish Wu AND max your second Bane. That seems like a decent length of time.

Holy Stack

I didn’t look at Pirate specifically; I’m just going to come at this from the standpoint of, ‘any time you want a holy stack.’ Titans, raiding, the Dark Lord fight, etc. You already have five (nearly) maxed yellow holy heroes, so I’d say you’re in good shape.

Yes, Bane > Gan Ju or Dawa - I certainly wouldn’t max those instead of another Bane if you were at that point, but it’s more like you can use resources at some point to max Gan Ju or bring Bane to whatever that brings him to - let’s say mid ascension two. Clearly in that case Gan Ju > half a Bane.

I think that efficiency matters, because at some point you’ll draw another holy 4*, and you’ll almost certainly want to put them ahead of Bane in the queue. Although they are much maligned as a group, I’d say ANY holy four star would add more to your game (for titans, war, events, trials) than another Bane would.

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This is my selection of 3* for rare tier in events. Maybe I could add Belith and Hawkmoon.
I also use these to have some fun doing quests and farming :man_shrugging:

Bane is always in my #1 team.

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Looking at my teams up there, I actually should’ve kept Melia and Bane in all my teams.
Ulmer | Melia | Bane | (Gan Ju / Nashgar) | (Hawkmoon / Valen)

Also if I had a duplicate Bane I could’ve gotten rid of GanJu who’s frail – lose the mana cut which isn’t as helpful as blindness anyways. Maybe I’ll just switch Gan Ju with Brienne instead since her attack bonus is dope.

I’ll keep that in mind for this next event.