How can I level up a hero's special skill?

I actually needed to level Valen’s special skill which is “Chilling Slash”. Can you help me please?

Everytime you feed heroes (1* and 2* usually) to Valen, he will have a chance for his special skill to level up. Also everytime you ascend a hero, they get +1 level on their special skill. If you happen to reach max level of the hero but the special skill is not 8/8 yet, the chance for the special skill to increase from feeding heroes to it will increase by 5x

When feeding to increase the special skill you increase the chance by using same colour heroes as feeders

I believe if you feed 10 1* or 5 2* of the same color it’s guaranteed to raise the skill. That’s if the hero is already maxed in level.


If the hero is not maxed, you get 1% to the special skill for each 1-star, 2% for each 2-star, etc.

If the color matches, this percent chance doubles: if I feed Valen and Olaf and a Sigrunn, I have a 6% chance of increasing his special.

If I feed a hero a copy of himself (Valen eats Valen), the chance goes up to 25%.

If the hero is already at maximum, the chance is multiplied by 4. Which would mean 10 1-stars of the right color is 80% chance. (Though it was rumored that there is an exception there that raises this chance to 100. I have not tested this.) I know that feeding the same hero after reaching max is automatically 100% chance to increase the special.

The chances to raise a hero’s special, who is already maxed in Level/Tier, but not on special is actually Quintuple (5X).

So for example on a 3^50 hero not yet maxed on special, here are some scenarios:
10X 1* same color = 100% Skill Up
5X 2* same color = 100% Skill Up
3X same color 3* + 1X 1* same color = 100% Skill Up
1X 3* same Hero = 125% Skill Up

There is no point to try to shoot for higher percentages beyond 100%, because you are looked at by each upgrading session (10 heroes feed each session max). If you are not full on the specials (worst case for a 3* hero is 3/8 at 3^50), which means even if you try to do 10X 2* same color to get to 200% in one session, your skill will still only go up by 1, and you just wasted 5x 2* feeders. Not sure anyone would actually end up doing that, but just feel like pointing that out.

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