House of Turpitude is recruiting

House of Turpitude is recruiting

Our characteristics:

  • Language: We are an established English speaking alliance. 2/3 of our members is from Europe; 1/3 is from USA.

  • Players age: 18+

  • Personalities: We are all adults who respect and support each other. We understand that work, and family always come first. However, we are also committed and dedicated for fun and competition in this game.

  • Current titan level: 9* - 10 *

  • Current war status: # of flags left: 0-6 flags. We use Line to communicate and coordinate our war strategy. Most of us have 4-6 teams for war. We ball deep for every war! Leader posts war instruction for every single war with reset time, defense team set up, and team work strategy.

  • Current players level: 25 – 73

  • Current trophy range: 20 members with 2000+ (range from 2026 – 2663); 2 members with 1265 and 1651 cups

  • Current number of players: 22

  • Our leader: bigman – level 73. He has been playing this game for about 2 years now. He is a very nice, caring, and supportive leader. However, he is always brutal to his enemies on the battle field.

Requirement to join:

  • Cup requirement: 1000
  • Must use at least 4 flags for titan (However, normally our 9* titan dies within the first 12 hours)
  • Must use ALL FLAGS for war. We are very aggressive in war. We expect everyone to use their flags and communicate with other members to get the most points out of each flag.
  • Let us know if you are busy and cannot fight war or titan. Opt out war before matching if that is the case.
  • If you are new to this game, we are willing to train you, give you support, and tips. You will grow with us in no time as long as you are motivated.
  • MOST IMPORTANT: HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE GAME! At the end, this is a game anyway. We are here for friendship, support, and fun. There is no point to play a game if it is not entertained you and help you release stress.
  • 8 slots available. We prefer a group of players. However, we welcome solo player who likes to merc for a titan or for a war.

Update: 3 slots filled. 5 slots available.

Thank you guys. All the slots are filled. Last slot is saved for one of our old member who will rejoin us soon.