Turpitude - An Adult/Fun/Active Alliance is Recruiting!

Hi There,

Here at Turpitude we’re mostly a “grown up” alliance, meaning most of our members are married, have kids, work full time, etc. We even have a husband wife combo. We are a fun bunch who love to bust balls in chat in between having some good game discussion, winning wars, and killing Titans. We have a great mix of USA and Western European players ranging from f2p to c2p, with a few c2p+ folks mixed in.

We are currently killing 8* titans regularly and very close to getting 9*s down. Our top 10 players are 2,000+ cups, a good contingent in the 1500-2000 range, and few up and comers. We do pretty well in wars and generally just like have a good time between real life and work.

Our requirements are:

  • 1000 trophies
  • 2700 team power (for your A team)
  • Participation in wars
  • Daily use of Titan flags
  • No War/Titan activity for a period of time without notice or barring special circumstances will result in a kick. We are an understanding bunch but we also want to win and get loot.

The trophy/power requirement is more to assure you’ll have fun and be able to contribute in wars and on titans than anything else.

Feel free to simply search for us in game and join up. I keep this post bumped when we have open positions.

Hope to see you in game!



16 posts were merged into an existing topic: Turpitude is recruiting an active, grown-up, light-hearted player (11*, 2400 cups, 28/30 members)