HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!

This happens from time to time. I don’t think that a fix for this has already been implemented.

@GDIBass , I know you are very busy, but would it be possible to allow to enter 25 talent nodes for a hero to signal the new master emblems were applied to this hero?
And you said you would look what it would take to implement the new Legendary troops.
Did you have had a look?

Happy gaming and thanks in advance



Not sure who to tag for minor error

Dolores is listed as a dark hero, but she is holy. Her image is correct, but shes showing grouped with my dark heroes.


I’ve noticed an error with Abigail appearing as Dolores. Thanks to those who continue to update and fix this tracker :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi All! I noticed that Vanya, 💂 Vanya- 5* Fire / Red from Garrison Guards, is listed as Hero of the Month for Source instead OG Garrison Guard. Minor edit issue, but I thought I would mention it to those keeping the tool alive for us! Thank you! :wink:


Hi All! @GDIBass I was wondering if you plan on doing anymore development on the app? The reason I ask is it would be great if you could add in the maxed master nodes along with the toon costumes. With the 7000+ defenses we face regularly, I would like to be able to see my actual team strengths for my defensive and attacking teams. I like setting up my war attacking teams in Heroplan.io. It would be good to see the various team strengths I can put together based upon the the heros I actually have maxed out. It’s not a “must have”, but more a “like to have”. Thanks in advance!