HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!

You are the best…

20 chars of Appreciation

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Thank you very much. Heroplan is the top !

Hi. I haven’t posted on here in a year? But I am following this topic.

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I don’t play the game any more either. I have been a guild leader in a game for a while now…

Anyway, @GDIBass , I am sorry to hear you are in chronic pain and a crazy job. Thank you so much for the original app…. I used it so much back at one point when I played the game. Years, ago.

So much has probably changed in the E&P game since then.

A shout to @TGW for all the humor and perspective on this forum. I never knew him, just of him. But yeah.

As for me? I game a little here and there. On my schedule. It’s fun. What games are supposed to be.

Still, as always, F2P for the win!


The forum on one of my other games is much better, however. Not saying a game name. I know the rules here. I can see all the data on post views, followers, and what have you.

I’m too busy in real life to go on there. Just wanted to post to pop back in and say that I’m good now. Lol, I will get my 4th anniversary badge in a few months now , apparently. Woo hoo, lol.

Sorry, I am sarcastic.

I don’t miss all the raid tournaments and weekly what not, that I “had” to do for this game. Fun, ok , yeah. But I don’t need 50 million offers jamming up my screen on a device game. Now I also game and chat with… wait for it. Real people! Much more fun than computer scrimmaging against someone completely random . I don’t play co op because I game by myself. Always have & always will.

Another forum friend to say hi to, @sleepyhead . I love your tag, regarding the coffee thing. And hi to anyone else, um, @Liam_K and (I hope I got the right one there). Now this is turning into a manifesto. Lol, but I personally don’t care if my device blows up tomorrow from emails. It was good to get my feelings out here on the good ole E&P forum.

How many years you guys have, 7th Anniversary?!? I have not opened the app in at least a year. And never will. Good luck to all, still playing the game.

Take it easy all,



what a blast from the past! good to hear from you, @arrow_slinger ! glad you found a fun, fulfilling new game!

take it easy too, and hope you pop in to say HI from time to time :slight_smile:


Oh I will for sure now. @sleepyhead … definitely will do on checking in.

Actually I rotate between 4 device games & 2 real life games. I am quite busy but loving every minute of life!

So good to hear from you!!!

Despite what I said last night, I decided to check my army on the E&P app. Just a few more 3* challenge levels (phantom of the opera?!?), & I can pull with orange coins. I don’t want to use any of my 58 (!) world flasks. And, it is time for me to make another cup of coffee.

Take care, sleepyhead

(Busy in real life today, talk to y’all later)


That’s a lot of flasks! Good if you ever get a hankering for a marathon :slight_smile:

Glad you are busy in a good way :slight_smile:

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Lol! That would be a marathon @sleepyhead …. Big time. Lol.

I played some games in real life today. Fun times! Busy weekend planned. I am sorta-kinda following the basketball going on at the collegiate level. Waiting for my taped game to come on so I will play some E&P Opera challenge levels on rare tier. I need only 3 orange coins to free pull. Cross my fingers for a 5* ha ha. In my other game we get to test the 5* before we pull for them, pick which one (s) we try for, etc. (I have at least 5 5* on there. And they tie in with the story too). Good luck in the E&P if you still play!!!

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Hi GDiBass,
are there any news concerning 5* troops?

Thank you very much in advance

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When making teams, is there anyway to add/filter by CLASS too?
I just went to look, in preparation for the upcoming Master Emblem Trials, and I saw there is no way to filter by class. Would be great if so

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There is a menu

Profile → My classes

That subcategorize our rosters by class

Hope it helps

But it doesn’t let me put them into a team so I can better visualise it and see


Sorry to bother @notyou87 , when is this Master Emblem trials?

I have never heard of it, so I will be heading to the calendar page thread now.

Hope you’re ok, @GDIBass

Not sure when but it’s all in beta right now here is the master discussion for it:

Ok, thanks so much @notyou87 !

I don’t know if this is beta too, but it looks like we can register for it? Soon?

Hero League?!?

Hero League will come automatically and you will have 1 week to signup from April 15th, you can go see it now. Go to your raids section, and you will see 3 tabs, one for raids, one for League, and one for tournament. When it begins on April 15th, just go to the League tab and edit your defense and it will automatically make you part of the League

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Is there no way to add the 2nd costume + toon costume for a hero without it adding as an “extra hero”? I like to make sure my hero count in the app is the exact same as on HeroPlan, so when it has “extra” heroes because of costumes on the HeroPlan, it really confuses me and it makes it more difficult to keep track of if I deleted someone and forgot to update HP, or if I pulled someone else and forgot to add.

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I know it´s not quite what you are looking for, but if you choose the trial teams you have at least only 2 classes available for making your teams, which reduces the amount of non-class heroes from 9 other classes to 1 other class, so it´s not perfect, but 90% better :slight_smile:

Anyway I generally agree, a filter by class would be a good filter to have.

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Did somethhing happen today to the heroplan? I lost all my levelling plans.

Correction: I lost only purple and red plans, rest of them is in place.
Not something too important, I recreated them in about 5 minutes, but just curious.