HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!

Hi @GDIBass, great work on this tool and thanks for creating it.

I have noticed a minor problem that I believe is recent: when adding emblems or restting emblems of a heroe, the emblem count is not updated under the ‘My Class’ section. Previously, the amount of emblems was updated accordingly.

It happened again.
I logged in today. Yellow was gone from my leveling plan. I refilled yellow, did some sorting of order in purple, blue and green, fully leveled one hero (costume) in green. Costumes in all these colours. Everything OK.
Logged out for a test and logged back in. Yellow was gone again, and so was purple and blue.

First thing’s first, HeroPlan is fantastic! I only had a request. I don’t know if it’s been suggested or in the works already, but my suggestion would be to add the ability to filter by limit broken heroes.


@GDIBass do you mind adding the new Atlantis hero when you get the chance? Thanks as always! :slight_smile:

Added Oceanus and a few other fixes (including Ferant)


It’s not on any list, but I do generally want to fix limit breaking (add to the leveling plan, allow for filters & calculate stats).

I’m a biiiig chunk of the way through a giant refactor that fixes a few things, completely revamps the back end, completely rebuilds the front end, and offloads configuration management to another repository. I have limit breaking and power management as a part of this refactor, so that should go live when I’m done.

The refactor in general includes:

  • A few security updates
  • A few logic changes (including leveling plans - that should be fixed when the update is done)
  • A rework to the login logic (remember me now supported, long expiry times - 30 days) that also improves my ability to host/support heroplan long term.
  • A rework to the front end logic that should drastically improve performance.
  • A rework to the configuration that offloads it to a new repository. This will basically allow me to open up config updates to anyone who has a git hub account.

I’m through all of the back end work, and the config offloading work. You can actually see Heroplan’s config here: GitHub - GDIBass/heroplan_data: Heroplan's Data

I still need to finish:

  • Performance testing
  • Front end rework
  • Front end testing rework
  • Full application testing rework
  • Config validation (pull requests) rework

Interesting find on how I did talent encoding with a 16 bit integer, for you comp sci nerds.

You can actually see how I did Talent encoding in a 16 bit signed integer, while allowing for “talents = 0-20” here: heroplan_data/talentencoder.csv at main · GDIBass/heroplan_data · GitHub

Basically if talents are positive it just displays 0-20 with an empty tree. If it’s negative it runs it through this encoding.

I don’t know how much longer this is going to take. I have a cross country move coming up in a month, and I have some pretty big job interviews lined up as well. I’ll be putting some focus into both of those things, but working on the refactor when I have a bit of time. I’ll make sure to keep everyone updated as progress is made.


Thank you for all the work you’ve put into this project. Good luck on the interviews!


@GDIBass This is great new! I look forward to using the finished product! Thank you for all your work and dedication! :wink:

I got weird bug lately that every time I close app it wipes off my purple leveling plan. It makes no heroes on purple leveling plan at all. Anyone seen this bug?
Not sure if it is related to but it automatically logs me off when I close app lately. It didn’t before. Every time when I opened app I was still logged on and those days I did not have this leveling plan problem.

You will find all the answers if you read through the past few weeks in here :slight_smile:

new HotM Klaern! And it being the worst HotM in a long time I got that one right away…

How about a marker so we can mark all the heroes we intend for Soul Exchange?

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I saw someone having the same problem but I did not see him saying fixed. What did I miss?

@GDIBass here’s the link to the new HOTM for your reference. Thank you as always :slight_smile:

That @GDIBass is already working on it.

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@GDIBass found an error on Ruby:

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@GDIBass I noticed something that is not quite an error but rather a small inconvenience. When you add a new hero to “My Heroes” and select “Emblem Focus” before saving, the emblem focus doesn’t actually apply. You have to click on the hero again to select the emblem focus and then apply it again. Just sharing this feedback, thanks :slight_smile:

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Did anyone mention the new Season 3 costumes yet?
I believe it is Skadi, Sumle, Gullinbursti, Kvasir and Björn?

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Nope! I’d added Skadi, but hadn’t seen the other costumes. Added those too.

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I’m aware of the issue, but don’t know the actual cause. I just pushed a small change that might fix it, but I’m not sure if it will. If you see it again, or you know how to consistently reproduce it, please let me know.