Hero Levelling Thoughts -- Guv Round 2.0

Kadilen - C is what Inari should have been, absolutely fantastic.
MN is better at rezzing but worse at healing than Heimdall. Paired with Sif she is fantastic on attacks (can’t see my defense but it hangs in just fine).
Tarlak is functionally covered with Miki and Wu

Ariel #2 - Best healer in the game, good for wars, tossup between her or Skadi
Don’t see Krampus adding enough beyond what you already have via BK to justify him getting the nod.
Glenda could work next to an AoE or better yet, Skadi. ALL minions gone and deadly stack. Risk is raiding becomes boring … (is that a risk?)
Blue was your least obvious color for me.

Joon-C is a fighter! Extra stats make him almost robust but hits like a freakin truck and revives.
Leo is lower priority because of multiple G Jackals. I know they are flimsy but insane attack stat and easy to emblem.
Neith would be my second choice. Forum underrates her. I don’t have her but she can be tough to beat.

Marjana- You WILL get the costume and she is SO much better than Falcon I think she will have the biggest impact of the options you have.
Grazul tempts me, the protection for war depth sounds good.
Lady Loki can wait until you can have her firing at functionally fast mana (maybe you already can, depending on who gets the mana troops). If she can be made to fire in 9 tiles she jumps ahead of Grazul IMO.

Onyx - Nuff said. Beast (granted Cobalt is >Beast but Onyx remains Beast)

These are my thoughts and are influenced by my preferences. I also LOVE Lady Loki and think Skadi is amazing (watching from afar as she graces other peoples’ teams).
At the end of the day effective and fun are not always the same and if in doubt I tend to opt for fun, sometimes knowingly sacrificing effectiveness.


Yeah; i was a little worried about the scaling defence buff on Krampus. BK & C-Elena work really well together because when BK Flesh-Wounds it still does the full counter attack damage. This has been my main inhibition on Krampus is that I have BK so Krampus just hasn’t seemed quite as good as BK has been… idk

Correct but wouldn’t be getting emblems for a while… Joon (+C) would be 4th monk in line for emblems. Priority was Drake Fong, now am splitting between Jabberwock & Skadi; so will be a while before Joon would get any blems.

I have a L23 of each colour; would structure war team so that she would get the L23 red mana to mana break her :slight_smile:

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So it really is wait until after costume portal close. Good position to be in, while you wait just hope the rings come flooding in.

Hmmm, still viable without emblems but clearly the fighter talent is what adds the juice.
Would Neith be able to have many more emblems than Joon?
You don’t have an urgent need to level one or the other so could conceivably wait and see if there is skew in emblem drops rates between the classes or someone like Odin comes along and jumps the queue. This one feels like personal preference or a coin toss. You are torn between good options…

Ametrine - first hero I ever speed leveled. Dispel before damage, she is now keeping Kage waiting for more emblems. Feeding off color made my skin crawl. Now feeding Lord Loki three colors…

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Nope; current stockpile of ranger blems are looking like they are headed to Onyx.

After Onyx it’s Evelyn next. Then Seshat & Red Hood :stuck_out_tongue: I’m stacked for rangers haha

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My take:


As you stated, Tarlak would be great for blue titans and mythic titans. However, if you don’t have any problem achieving your desired loot tier on blue titans and your alliance doesn’t have an issues taking down blue titans (eg. don’t need flasking), then Tarlak is not a priority. You can probably easily reach top 1% in both individual categories for mythic titan ranking without Tarlak. Tarlak would only be for if you want to reach the very top rankings for whatever reason, on a on a blue mythic titan.

Mother North could be a good option for left wing on defense team if your alliance doesn’t run green tanks in rush attack war. Very fast 50% revive is can be pretty brutal. This choice would depend on your defense team for rush wars.

Without regard to emblems, I would probably choose C.Kadilen first over 2nd Evelyn just for diversity. A 2nd Evelyn can help on 2nd green war team and mythic titans but C.Kadilen is fun to use offensively and can improve survivability of the team.


Miki #2 would be good for Rush attack war as you said, but tbh, in a very fast scenario, I’d be bold enough to bring him at 3/70 lol (not that you would need to). Ariel could be an option depending on your war teams and how many emblemed C.Rigards you have (I see 2). If you use 3-2 or 4-1 war teams, Ariel #2 could be an option. I don’t know what kind of teams you face in wars, but from what I’ve seen, there seems to be an increase in red tanks recently (BK, Garnet). I know you have KA already but I would highly consider Frida. Elemental defense down to 3 would probably be biggest boon if you need to use 2 or 3 blue teams against red tanks in war. Frida would also help in pushing for top 100 in legendary challenge events to get 4* mats.


I think it’s a toss up between C.Joon or Malosi if you don’t get C.Leo. If you don’t plan on embleming C.Joon, you can very quickly bring base Joon to 4/1 and max the costume. Malosi is super versatile for shutting down popular tanks like BK, C.Kadilen, Krampus, etc. I like to use him as the 1 in 4-1 set ups. You already have a lot of AOE yellows and I don’t think it’s worth it to bring up Neith atm.


I don’t think it’s a priority to bring up Grazul #2 or Lady Loki #2 considering you already have a maxed Garnet, Grazul, Lady Loki, and Zim. Your reds are already stacked; if you don’t get C.Marj and are planning on doing Valhalla pulls, I’d probably see if you can get Gefjon. If not, then I’d max Marj to have a red sniper.


I’m not sure how effective Onyx is on offense. Lets say you get a bad board and are able to finally find 5-6 purple tiles, will Onyx’s 1x charge really save you? This might be an unpopular opinion but if you use mono purple or even 4-1 purple, I think Clarissa is actually one of your best options to further increase your purple team’s win percentage. Clarissa’s very fast +30% special skill def elemental link can save your purple heroes from dying and give you time to work the board and turn the match around. With +30% special skill defense, usually none of your heroes will die, even to an enemy sniper.




I should have prefaced somewhere in the OP that I don’t use mono. Don’t use 4-1 much either.

I run 3-2 in wars & in pretty well all my raiding.


MoNo for Green as she is the best rezzer in the game and horrible to face in rush.

Krampus for the taunt and buffs. A pain for sure but still dispellable (sic but idc). Also, something different for you.

Tyr if you don’t get Marj. Tyr can win by himself against three. Done it, loved it. He’s very much a thorn in the wing as well but far more valuable on attack.

Malosi, again for variety and his shutting down of specials. BK is a chump when you take Mal against him. As is GM and any other dot.

Onyx was easy. Like you said, you can actually “play” the hero to suit the situation.


Ranger class has SO many top tier heroes, am still maxing them because who would you leave at 3-70? Good enough at 4-80 to make a difference in war especially.

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Malosi is so understimated, with 11 lv mana he is game changer against many nasty heroes - emblemed with jackal he can kill most heroes in 6 tiles too (where jackal-joon is pretty often overkill and their mana speed doesnt fit)


Agreed; it makes it really hard to decide who gets the emblems… Currently I have:

+15 on Lianna (costume path)
+9 on Evelyn
+7 on Red Hood
+7 on Seshat

and enough in stock to take Onyx to about +7 also…

Green c.Kadilen
Originally I chose Mother North for VF aspects of the game, however you’d need to load up on Cleric emblems that are otherwise likely distributed.

Blue Krampus
Short of levelling a second blue team for Mythic titans (a waste of resources unless you have very limited choice), Krampus is the fun choice here. Frida will only benefit your blue stack marginally over the existing K.A.

Red Grazul
Depending on which aspect of your game you could improve - do you need Support or a Sniper?
If unlucky at the costume portal, I would value the chance to shut down opponents with VF Grazul.

Yellow Malosi
Malosi for shutting down opponents like Alfrike asap. Even over c.Leo.
I am guessing you have Jackal maxed and do just fine with Purple titans - So Leo would be a marginal increase in survivability only (as Jackal’s attack stat overshadows).
The only benefit would be that c.Leo is elemental down on 3 heroes instead of 1, so inserting into a war attack team could work well - That’s the only reason why c.Leo would trump Malosi.

Purple Onyx
The only real choice.
Your roster already has a good mix of AOE, Sniper and Support.

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Yeah they’re somewhat distributed… I have most on Ariel (+15) and my two Rigards (+15 & +18). The rest have been going into Grazul #1 (currently +9)… There are some on Kunchen who I don’t use outside Rush Attack Wars (+4) but it isn’t many…

This is always a conundrum for me :stuck_out_tongue: I don’t have any Red Sniper so far & do really well in attack without one so… Idk if I NEED a sniper there… Grazul is just amazing but so to is Lady Loki…

Yeah do have a maxed Jackal but he’s just sooo flimsy… Can’t take a single hit from a 14* Titan, even when using axes to drop the Titans Attack first… So would Really love the added survival. Plus in war times, I think that Leo would pair amazingly with my Drake which is the main driver there. But if I don’t get C-Leo idk haha.

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Okdokey, thanks everyone for your thoughts!

  • I’ve taken on some of the advices here and have paused both Miki #2 and Tarlak at 3-70. Hopefully they’ll survive there in the Next mythic titan.

  • I’ve started levelling Kadilen up but am still one tonic short. Hopefully it comes soon.

  • Krampus is next to be worked on. He’s at 70 currently so will get my current supply of Scopes soon. Almost have a second set in stock which it seems Frida may be in line to get

  • Onyx is a clear winner so will be getting the Tabards when I pick up 1 more. Prepped to 70 and ready to go.

  • Yellow and Red I’ll hold off on pushing anyone up yet. Plenty to do in Green and Blue initially. We’ll see what happens with Costumes in a week’s time and go from there. But from the looks of the Poll, Joon and Tyr seem to be the leaders. Maybe will max Marjana anyways in case I get her costume next month.

And with that, I’ll close this topic up :slight_smile: thanks again everyone who voted and commented!