I don’t have kunchen
Are u talkin about me usin slow heroes in general?
I don’t have kunchen
Are u talkin about me usin slow heroes in general?
You’re certainly entitled to make your own decisions, but for the sake of others who are undecided or players who may not have enough time with the game to know how to assess which heroes are generally better than others and are looking here for advice on most efficient use of their hard to come by materials, let us not pretend that this is anything other than the hipster “people think this hero is bad, so I’m going to buck conventional wisdom and be unique in making use of him” approach. To be fair, that is a completely valid way to play the game, and definitely provides more variety while being workable. To clarify, nobody means that it is impossible to make any use of Raffael, merely that it is indisputably going to be significantly less reliable and less efficient. Raffael will certainly result in some more spectacular wins, but over an infinite number of matches, Kiril and Ariel will provide players a better win rate.
This difference in reliability will be even more evident in the Telly era.
I could have sworn I saw you advocating for others to strip Kunch for Rigard in chat recently. Could be wrong. Apologies if I misrepresented
I have said that even tho i don’t have kunch, just based on experiences with slow heroes, they’re last resort spot fillers
If u have average mana alternatives, better route to go
I got on my mini account… This is a point of who yah got available I think, other people prob deserve scopes but have you got them? my main account I’d be def be thinking more no as I have ariel and few other ice that I’d rather level.
Just a manic healer with cleanse that can basically bring whole team back to life if all goes according to plan not to shabby really. But the game is more fast paced the other speical is pants might as well be void
Kiril with costume bonus charges in 9 tiles flat, making him effectively fast in a match-3 game. Take him to +20 and he has almost the same base stats as Raff, 'nuff said.
Yes yes you can emblem Raff too and make him even tankier, but do you have 1200 monk emblems to spare?
Definitely not the way I’m coming or saying but okay. I’m just reiterating before making decision, it’s good to reference to past experience as well. Keep an open mind is what I’m saying.
He will bring the team back to life in a very very rare situation. He cannot resurrect, just heal life members. With his slow mana, he will hill 1 or 2 members that would still be alive. And then get the debuff and at last die.
He is not getting my telescopes… might as well store him next to the tree… or Horghall or what’s his name… at least Atomos is worth a bit more now so maybe some day this one will get attention too, but till then Kiril will do
The board isnt always kind had many slow hero’s get there special off before. For players don’t have a 5* healer he could be a option just saying. also with field aid could cause a problem if you got a costume kash or tootie that gives extra health too, kinda early to say if totally not worth giving mats too my main account I probably wouldn’t but my mini might depends on yah rosta
I am so sad… I pulled Raffaele twice and I was not even hoping to pull him especially when he is so so slow…
Pulled costume hero twice… and I got him on both occasions…
This isn’t always true, I don’t know why everyone keeps saying matches are decided by the time a slow hero gets to fire.
Plenty of times Vivica has saved my butt with everyone on 100 HP, DOT, and we are well into the meat of the match - Mother North in the corner waiting to fire and Vela about to fire and the match gets a new lease of life once Vivica gets her heal off
Lol then max him
Best of luck
If I had him he would already be maxed lol
Slow heroes are really underrated by most of top players regardless, even more because fast heroes are easier choices.
I learned to love my slow heroes some time ago, and now that very fast tournament is up even more.
In this tournament for example, Gullinbursti is a beast.
Yep, Telly effectively put the kibosh on slow mana. Quite frankly, she puts the hurt on average mana heroes as well.
Ariel: Yep, absolutely. Ariel is the best healer in the game, will listen to arguments about her placing on the podium (top 3) of ALL heroes in the entire game (SIII may make that a discussion of top 5). She is perfect for the Telly meta in that she cleanses and boosts mana. Also, extremely difficult to summon (I tried and failed).
Kiril better than Raffaele on an absolute basis leading to a better win rate? Perhaps.
Is Kiril value for “money” vs Raffaele? Oh heck YES.
You can have two of him with the same feeders and still have the six scopes and both Kirils would be +20 for the same number of emblems as Raffaele at +16 (important note: Wizard for Kiril, Monk for Raffaele)
There are too many people saying the hero is rubbish/garbage/a feeder which is misleading.
For spenders that have many options to choose from, it is true that Raffaele adds little.
For F2P that find 5* heroes hard to come by he could prove very useful but he isn’t an automatic “yes” for scopes like a few other heroes are and certainly isn’t the “optimal” destination for feeders, especially if you have Kiril with emblems (I would argue, Kiril with emblems AND Costume bonus).
Before giving Raffaele Scopes players should know that:
Raffaele is an offensively oriented, mega-healer that may fire too late in the battle to help in many PvP situations.
I like Raffaele very much and yet I do not see scopes for him in my team (already have excellent 4* & 5* healers maxed/emblemed, have Monks I prefer and excellent 5* Ice heroes waiting for scopes).
SG released Raffaele into Beta as a 5* Kiril and there was joy on the forum.
SG saw the joy, took him away and gave him an entirely different set of skills (For reasons that had nothing to do with Beta feedback).
The forum joy evaporated.
It is hard to let go of the first image because most of us would prefer it.
Kiril already exists, though. What’s the point of a HOTM who is just a beefier version of a s1 4*? He should do something different. Opinions differ, of course, on whether what he does is actually worth doing… Mind you if I had Ariel, Raff would never get a look in. But that may never happen.
I agree with the majority of this assessment, except I do believe that youre underselling Kiril a bit, relative to Raf. As you stated, for non-FTP Raf doesn’t cut the mustard. This is correct. For FTP who have both Kiril and Raf you’re also correct that with materials being as rare as they are Kiril is certainly a better value, but he’s also a better absolute value for them as well. He will be within range of mana troops cutting him to 9 tiles (even more so with emblems and/or costume), which is effectively fast mana in most circumstances. The situation where he may not charge in 9 tiles would be Telly, but F2P are also significantly less likely to face Telly.
As you stated, Raf will often be firing too late to have major effect as you cannot heal dead teammates. In the case where he fires early, you were already going to win regardless of what hero was in his spot. Kiril firing early will give enough health to keep allies alive, and combined with the defense buff can often push them out of sniper range. His atk buff will also help your own damage dealers kill enemies earlier, preventing even more damage and death coming back your way. A dead enemy deals no damage for the remainder of the match, and that mitigated damage will often add up over the course of the match to be every bit as relevant as Raf’s huge heal, not to mention opening a spot to ghost tiles.
After all. 56% of 533 votes are telling us that he is excessively weak.
There are a lot of opinions that he would be there strong on rush mana tournaments, but he is the HOTM! He is not Khagan or Elena or somebody else, he must be some kind of unique. If he fires too early, your team would still be upper then 50% of HP and you wouldn’t get any healing except 812 HP over 4 turns that can be debuffed! All his other abilities are not better than the costume Rigard(additionally gives you buff on attack).
If you compare him to Kirill, who is giving you +28% of HP and attak+defence 30% buff on average mana, just give him emblems - he is miles ahead, get his costume and 23lvl mana troop and you get a fast mana beast.
And stop telling that Raf can be a game-changer on latter stages. There would be almost no one to heal when he fires in most situations, if not - you are already winning the fight and his ability gives you nothing.
I think you mean, costume + lvl5 mana troop right?
And also lvl23 without comstume is already 9 tiles.