⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Papyros

In June balance, the Wu soldier minions were updated to 10%, and their burn damage was increased (since Sun Quan has only been in beta thus far, we don’t know the exact burn damage, but should be around 225-250/3 turns like Zhou You is).

So Sun vs Papyros -

Sun Quan advantages

  1. 340% damage to 3
  2. Burn damage applied by minions hitting instead of being hit

Papyros advantages

  1. 4% larger minions
  2. 30% def up
  3. Slightly higher dot - probably between 5-15 extra damage/turn
  4. Passive which (sometimes) heals and gives mana to whole team (vs [always] self heal/self mana gain from SQ’s passive)

I feel Papyros’ minions applying the sand damage when they attack would still leave him behind SQ. Adding anything (small heal, small damage, self over-heal/hot, mana speed fast) in addition would make it arguable (either way) which is better - meaning balanced, for me.