Title says it all. Curious out of these heroes, if you could only choose one of each color, who and why?
Also, curious everyone’s personal opinion on this. I really want to level c gravemaker. But I want to know, do you think that given the way things are going, he just won’t be useful or relevant soon? My gut says to hold off but I really want to play with him. I think it’s more of an emotional draw to GM than a logical one. But I could be wrong underestimating him. Thanks for looking!
EDIT: last time I needed help with reds you all did a great job. You chose asterius and I just finished him. He was 100% the best choice. So I really appreciate all your help.
If i have to chose 1 from each color, it will be:
Christobal - sniper
C.Ariel - Healer
C.Gravemaker - Burner
Freya - Minion maker - tank
Odin - AOE and mana boost
but the selection could be different if I know your current roster. I pick the rooster that might work well together as a rainbow team.
Skadi, she is amazing anty minion hero, other option are great but she is hardly replacable.
I like Puss in Boots and LotL combo but if this doesn’t fir your play styke then I would go for:
Cristobal - high damage, great family bonus for longer fights
I would probably max Lewena, she is being buffed to fast mana tommorow, she hits hard and her debuff is quite usefull. c.Grave is also very good choice, its more about emblems here, both are excellent heroes.
I would max Odin because with Xnol he will let you beat towers easly. If you don’t like towers I might max Zhang Fei first.
You have Xnol for defence so this is fully for offence, I would max Seshat because it seems you are missing some dispellers.
I chose these heroes from the list for the following reasons:
Freya: helps keep your purples alive and can be combined with Pengi/Krampus and any other minion summoners.
Quintin: He’s the offensive that can help boost your greens. If you choose to go with him, I would emblem him for defense and health because his snipe is so strong that it might make his secondary effect null.
Delilah: I chose her because you need more healers in yellow. Your offense is already so good in this element that a healer is what I think would benefit you most, plus, with your other minion makers, she becomes that much more useful.
The Hatter: he is a unique dispeller that green your greens could use.
Lewena: the fast, hit all hero that blocks talents. GM is a good close second, but Lewena is a step above GM, even with his costume.
How I wish I had your problem in deciding who to max out next.
Ok for me I went with Costume Seshat, Odin, Lewena, Cristobal and Skadi
But whichever hero you choose good luck