Help with who to level

Hi! I’m level 39 and currently levelling Anne, Dreadstar and Esme. I think I’ll have Anne and Dreadstar done pretty soon and honestly I don’t know who to focus on next. As you can see I’m lacking reds and I don’t know if I should maybe level a second Russell or just wait until I get a good red. I want to level Lemonwood as he seems great but I’m also confused if I should focus on cleaning up other heroes that I’ve started along the way and dropped for another lol. I got Atlanteia just today and from my understanding some people think she’s great but others think she’s lacking so if anyone has some solid advice based on evidence of maybe using her or fighting against her I’d appreciate that too. I was thinking of maybe levelling a green next but not sure if I should do C. Zeline, Mother North or maybe even Lianna? Basically I’m a wreck and haven’t a clue what I’m doing so thanks to anyone who helps

Edit: I’ve seen some saying to level Kiril instead. I already have Gullinbursti, C. Rigard, Sabina and Grevle levelled for healers, trying to add Esme to that list and as according to another commenter I will finish Agrafena and add her to that list of healers!

finish ludwig and level lemonwood

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I’d skip esme and use Kiril as your blue healer.


Solid new hero

Mana control is great but only DOT means her damage can be a bit weak

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agree with all of this, you probably have some 4 stars that are better than a lot of these


Nice heroes!

I’d focus on finishing anyone that you’ve ascended to 4th tier, that way you can at least use them or emblem them. E.g. Agrafena.

Your reds are lacking, but they’re made up for with other colours. I’d say the strength of some of your heroes is worth more than levelling a mediocre red.

I would absolutely do Lemonwood next.

I’m on the massive pro side of Atlanteia, but she doesn’t for everyone’s play style. I took her to 3/70 and had such a good time with her that I took her to LB1. She’s great at both slowing the enemy and nullifying their attack - so aids survivability, while doing some not inconsequential ice damage. Do take a debuffer for ailment protectors though - cZeline would be a great candidate.

I agree with focusing on using Kiril as your healer, but as one of the very few direct fiend counters, Esme.does have value.

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You should concentrate on one or two heroes at a time.

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i level one per color and only use feeders of the same color per hero to get to extra experience, adds up pretty significantly over time, i think 20%

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I used to do that too and it actually takes longer to level up 5 at a time than one at a time.

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but you can level 5 at a time in less time then you can 5 single ones based on more experience, how could it not be the case when you are getting 20% more experience per feeder?

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Because you have to allocate feeders per color, so if you’re trying to level up a specific hero, you need to wait for a specific color. That 20% bonus may go away for an off color hero, but it will still help level a hero.

I fed Cleopatra all the feeders I had and have continued that for the past 4 days. By this Wednesday she’ll be maxed and emblemed and I’ll be off on another hero. If you can max a 5* in a week, using my method, how long does it take to max 5 using your method?

I think what they’re trying to say is that yes you will level that 1 hero faster as in you will get them higher quicker so if you need a certain hero levelled immediately then yes do that but long term and to max efficiency it is better to give same colour feeders as they get bonus exp when matching colour

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In a months time you can have 4 maxed 5*. If you do it the way you’re proposing, it will take longer.

i can pretty safely say, and no i haven’t tested this yet but will now, but i am fairly sure i can do all 5 in my method in a month or less depending how diligently i farm and train

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