Help with my mono Ice Team

Hi everyone,

I need some help with my mono ice team.

Currently i have miki, uncostumed magni, 1x costumed isarnia, quintin and uncostumed ariel. I have enough ascension items for 3 more 5* ice heros. I think im done trying to summon better heros atm. It hasn’t been working out.

I have 5 options to level:

  1. Areax
  2. Suzuna
  3. Morel uncostumed
  4. Lord Loki uncostumed
  5. Frosth

Who should i level and in doing so… who should i replace from my team?

I’ve considered areax and suzuna together because theyre both 2023 family so their family bonus will stack and their elemental links will also stack which would be cool. I’ve also considered morel with quintin because they are both fast heros and if i set off quintin and then morel, more likely than not, the team damage from morel will kill the quintin target. Lord loki is also a good utility hero overall.

I think id like to keep Ariel and Quintin as they are prime heros.

Love to hear peoples reasoning.

Thanks in advance

Morel is by far the best upgrade to me as he sets up everything else with defense down to all.

Aqualith could help with survivability

Could use a bump on this post :(! I do like morel but replace isarnia then? What about other heros?

Alot of your answers are going to be roster vs need dependent … so are you needing defense/offense or versatility? War, raid, events, tournament or titan team? Fun or competitive play?
Anyway I agree with @Ruskin505 …when I got Morel, he changed the game for me but I would do Loki for fun offensively

Btw nice choices, Good luck!


I’d replace miki not Isarnia

Id use it for offensive/ versatility. Wouldn’t use a mono team for defence.

Usually go mono ice for events, titans and wars anyways…

Would love a well rounded answer in terms of which 3 heros overall i should level, who they should replace and in order of how i should level them.

Thanks everyone so far

I would max LoLo. He can be anyone in Raid or war, very useful. He has a place in my main Blue team. I would take Magni out.

Here’s my blue stack…

100% Loki… don’t know much about Suzuna, seems kinda meh…
I def think both Loki and Morel are great.
Loki is a game change though.
If i lose Kiril, copy their healer… they have an overhealer? I’ll take that from ya… you have a team wrecking Khufu? Well I’ll take that at average with a 972 atk stat, for $1000 Alex.
He’s so fun.
Quentin with Morel or Areax is a guaranteed kill.
Wish I had Ariel tho, would replace Kiril.

I like loki and morel. I agree not to go with mono ice for defense. Personally, i am not a mono player but i know some fantastic players who do. Good luck!!! :grin: