Help please for my second limit break 2

Hello players,

I have 12 alpha ethers and I can’t decide which of these heroes to choose for my second limit break 2. Can you help me and tell me why this choice please ?


Which hero for my second limit break 2 ?

  • Ariel (with costume)
  • Cleaver
  • Leonidas (with 2 costumes)
  • Ludwig

0 voters

IF you need a Dark tank, Ludwig. Otherwise, C2 Leonidas is a very strong and annoying hero both on defense and offense


Ugh… I’d almost gone for Ludwig before I saw your message… So now I’m hesitating ^^

Sorry for raising doubts :slight_smile: Ludwig is a solid choice, but he has several counters, especially being slow.

C2 Leonidas who deals damage to all, gives defense down to all and also cuts mana usually is more problematic for me


Everyone and their brother is going with Ludwig. Don’t be at all surprised if they hit him with the nerf bat.