Help me with the Soul exchange, as I am getting blanked

I genuinely appreciate someone doing this detailed explanation. Even I do similar (not so experienced player though, level 65) , when someone asks me on reddit or something. Lot of people would get overwhelmed with the data, but I enjoy both reading them or writing it.


How often does the sole exchange come around. Im in a similar position to the OP and feel its not worth dumping some heros for 10 exchange as nothing stands out to massively benefit my roster (for sacrificing many 5* i have 1 unlevelled copy of) particularly when i have 2-4 of each colour in line to be levelled waiting on ascension materialsā€¦

It comes every 3 months. Personally I only use dupe HOTMs and uncostumed S1 heroes as fodder, and I suggest everyone to do the same. 5* heroes are too valuable to throw away if you donā€™t do much pulling.


It depends on your roster and situation.

I have more then enough mats to level up 3-4 heroes in every element but I donā€™t find any worthy of my time,food, recruits, mats. I am very picky with my 5* heroes. Even if itā€™s average or below average I donā€™t spend mats on it. I rather build 4* army.

The SE comes every 3 months once. And usually the tier 1 isnā€™t much exciting tier. But based on your roster needs it can fill gaps if you need a dark hitter like C jabberwock. Mica is not much of a benefit personally I feel. Other 3 havenā€™t aged well in that tier.

Many of the heroes you were planning to sacrifice for a single soul exchange are good or even excellent if you have the team synergy. I almost choked when I saw your plans :smiley:

Remember, you donā€™t need just one team, you need at least 6 teams for alliance wars and even more for some events.

The thing that separates 5* from 4* is not only the stat gap, itā€™s also the nature of their special skills and passives, which tend to be very simplistic for 3* and 4* heroes whereas 5* heroes get all the good stuff. A 4* that you can actually use in the endgame is an exception.

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True a 4* to be used in end game are exceptional. I use 2C Lixiu in my main raid for both offence n defence and Iā€™m in diamond at 2700-800ish. Sharkhai on all Titans , I ditched Tarlak for him. 2C caedmon etc are base of my roster. I still donā€™t have waddles, meadows, Anna belle etc . Till last year they Used to release 4* which were worth more than 5*. And also reachable to any ftp player also. But this year the game is going in a very different way.

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Yep, I mostly use 4* as healers, including C2 Rigard, Ana-Belle, C2 Kiril, Nova, Ptolemy, Kitty and Goldie. The only offensive 4* I use for raiding are C2 Li Xiu, Waddles, C2 Caedmon and Xiahou Dun. Not all of the offensive heroes get used in most alliance wars. All of them are LB2.

I only use Sharā€™Khai for yellow titans. I use Costume Wilbur, Miki, Costume Tarlak and Bertulf for other colors, though working on Guardian Gazelle to replace Bertulf.

Already detailed explanation of all types givenā€¦.

Seeing your legendariesā€¦ Holy seems needed for a balanced playā€¦. So, two thoughtsā€¦

  • Mica @ 10 seems useful optionā€¦.as the lean roster needs a fair support hero to deal with survival and charging up time requirements ā€¦.while the Big-Guns get acquired ā€¦.levelledā€¦ & put to use.

  • Wait for the next Soul Exchangeā€¦. Though, I believe, life is right nowā€¦.you seem to summon regularlyā€¦ so will get / collect heroes for next Soul Exchange in next 3 months.

With your kind of situation & my experience of this gameā€¦ I would pick Mica & give resourcesā€¦. ENJOY playing the game till next SE :wink::exclamation:

  • I would build my roster & also play at appropriate levelsā€¦. Mica will help get that accessā€¦ FuN & experienceā€¦
  • While waiting for right time, things & many blah blahsā€¦. It all sounds good in theoryā€¦ to readā€¦. But, practical life happens NOWā€¦

Which 10 heroesā€¦ many have already coveredā€¦

Trust this sparks somethingā€¦. Helpsā€¦ Cheers :exclamation:

I am working on Horus now. I had kept him aside I felt itā€™s the right time. I was waiting for SE to see if I can sacrifice him as well towards some good yellow. MY eyes definitely was on white rabbit. Will see what I make my mind on. Thanks.

I have a glitch on my account where suddenly it gives me 5* like rain and then drought.

Donā€™t give away Horus ā€¦ complete him and you will enjoy using himā€¦.

  • I donā€™t have him, would have been happy to get himā€¦. Still would :exclamation:

White Rabbit :rabbit: is good butā€¦. You donā€™t have heroes to give awayā€¦ So hang-on for future opportunities to get him.

Let me know, if you want to identify the 10 heroes to give away to get Micaā€¦. If you decide.

  • I counted exact 10 heroes that can be given awayā€¦. And many will easily get replacedā€¦gradually via TC20.

  • Mica can be started to be used from 3/70 onwards as you level up Horus & also collects ascension mats for him :exclamation:

  • I donā€™t want you to give away a good heroā€¦. That will help play till you expand your rosterā€¦ :exclamation:

Else, wait for the next SEā€¦. Which would also be a good optionā€¦. Collect the legendary ascension items till then :exclamation:

Thanks. I have enough mats to level min 2 heroes in every element. Blue, red n yellow I have enough to max 4, I donā€™t have wizard emblems though.

I felt Horus will add something better to my yellow team which is as good as empty as of now with eloise as the only 5*.

I will probably skip this and wait for next SE.

I underestimated Jett, viscaro, CKage, Areax, Frida. Will have a look at them once more with fresh eyes. Kinda confused with Kettle also. Cinisia, jett, N sartana will be waiting an eternity as I really donā€™t have wizard emblems(luna, Loki, Eloise, Proteus, Kiril) and Iā€™m good in green as of now. Salmon Loki definitely is food for next SE.

Confused on who is more important between CKage, Viscaro, Jett, Toon Sartana. I have 15 tabards.