Help me with the soul Exchange


Please help me with the soul Exchange. I can stretch and make it to 15 souls. Who would fit my roster? I definitely have an eye on xiaotu.

Souls I have for exchange, I am giving up on salmon Loki, Zora, areax and 12 S1 souls.

[Uploading: Screenshot_20240324-150652.png…]

My complete 5* roster

I am right there with you!! The bunny hits hard at 15 souls. But fast and 4 turns with DD BUBBLES looks top notch then my yellows suck so Anne but not excited about her. CUPIDO also up there. narcissa looks good.

Going to come down to what do I need ugh

I could use help as WELL!!

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Areax is the only strong hero here. If you are competing for tokens that you’d use in the next couple of days, I’d leave trading until you’ve had another chance to pull less worthy soul. Otherwise, that sounds OK. But soul exchange has improved, and the next one may be as good or better. You could just keep the 12 S1s and wait 3 months.

But with a user name like Wabbit, maybe you just need this trade. :+1:

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I got xiaotu and can definitely recommend her. She pack a strong punch :grinning:

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