Help me complete my mono red team please

So i have a few red heroes that i have maxed and emblemed. I am looking for the ideal mono red team to go up against the telly/heimdall tanks, with what i have…

So far i use the following but dont seem to get good results.


I have elena, khagan and reuben at 3/70 waiting for 1 more ring. Which should i go for to make my mono red team better?

Hi, @e-man. My main monored is composed of Boldtusk+19 (supported by my level 2 mana troop), Wilbur+20 (supported by my level 25 mana troop), Guardian Falcon+18 (supported by my level 5 crit troop), Mitsuko+20 (supported by my level 11 mana troop) and maxed unemblemed Azlar (supported by my level 20 crit troop. In 9 tiles, BT, Wilbur and Mits charge their needed skills for healing, shared damage and blue reflect. I am working on my level 7 mana troop to get to level 11 so that I can use my level 25 mana troop to my Falcon while Wilbur gets that second mana troop level 11.

Elena or Khagan could offer the needed firepower. But for me, slow S1 heroes are best maxed if you have their respective costumes. You need to find ways for your red heroes to fire most of their skills in 9 tiles or less to be effective and efficient in using mono.


Thanks Ultra, would like to get my haves on a falcon myself…

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I run Wilbur - BT - Falcon - Elena - Tyr red mono. It does pretty decently in raid offense. Tyr is a recent addition replacing Scarlett. Sometimes I’ll swap out Wilbur for Scarlett or Noor depending on oppositions. Elena has been my main red damage dealer for a while now even though her costume eludes me. But she is squishy even maxed so you need to protect her with def ups (Wilbur) or minions (Noor) and a healer (BT). She has a very high attack stat and firing Elena after Wilbur-BT-Falcon will flatten a lot of low emblemed opponents in one well timed hit.


IMO, Falcon really does need emblems, then he is great in a mono red…

My mono red - bt+18, falcon+14, mitsy+14, marjana+6, gefjon+6. I just need 8-9 tiles and game over.
Use faclon in place of wilbur may be. Season 1 slow heroes are not worth - save your rings for better one

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My current mono red is:

C. Boldtusk - Gormek - QoH - Gravemaker - Grazul

C. Boldtusk as the original version isn’t maxed, QoH because of her taunt and Grazul to protect the team from ailments.

Maybe there’s a lack of power in my team, but it isn’t easy to beat even if I face snipers.

Elena deals a big damage with the tiles, and her costume is better.

Khagan is underestimated but he works really well for me in rush wars. He deals a decent damage and I trust more on him than Azlar.

I see Reuben really weak and I would prefer waitkng for another red rather than max him.

Maybe you could wait until the next Masquerade. If you’re lucky and get one of the costumes, the decision would be easier.

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I like Elena because of what happens after Telly goes down. Her counterattack is useful for taking out the AOEs that often remain (Vela, Odin, GM, Jabba, Drake…)

If you want to play a fast hitting team instead, Reuben would work well. I use Scarlett in this role.

Also, have you tried using Gormek instead of Wilbur? Marjana’s sniper ability conflicts with Wilbur’s damage dispersal.

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I try to fire marjana first before activating wilbur. But i do see the merits of a def down hitting first. Such is in my mono blue where i fire grimm then glenda before magni

Havent been lucky in masquerade. Only have costume richard. But c. Elena looks very usable.

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This will be unpopular opinion around here but I much prefer Elena to Mariana, especially if running a mono red team with Wilbur.

BT, Wilbur, Elena is a great core for mono red. I run these 3 with Falcon and Sumle or Colen. IMO Wilbur is wasted when paired with snipers and heroes who don’t deal damage to at least 3 heroes.