Finally rec’d Telluria! Must’ve been 20 pulls so far this month (maybe only 15, dont keep count). Can’t wait to level her.
Am currently leveling Lianna and rec’d Heimdall earlier this month. Also have Guardian Chameleon.
So, who would you level up first? Stay with Lianna? Or … put her aside for one of the others?
I’d like to beef up my raid defense. Currently I use:
Now it seems that Telluria is better in defense than Heimdall, so maybe I should go with Telluria. Who do I replace? Rigard? And then put Poseidon at wing? Or would Heimdall work better with my team?
I would also like to beef up my war offense so I’m thinkin’ Heimdall.
I haven’t heard anything about Telluria on offense. Is this just not a good fit for her?
Any suggestions would be a great help.