Gullinbursti's status effect & Costume Kadilen'd dodge

May I ask a question of you?


Both Krampus’ taunt and Costume Kadilen’s dodge are on here. I know that Gullinbursti’s status effect can attack all of the enemies in spite of Krampus’ taunt. Here is the question. Can’t it be dodged by Costum Kadilen’s skill? I found the topic relating to this, but couldn’t. Is it a bug or intended? Thanks in advance.

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It can’t be dodged, his damage is like the one of Russula (triggered by something) and can’t be dodged/avoided but can be lowered by effects of heroes such as Wolfgang, Sif and Reuben.


Thank you for your information.

Status effect

It appears to be a status effect, which cannot be dodged like Special stage effects

Reflect bug?

Still an outstanding bug report

Now I am confused again



Myth Titan and events reflect everything from yellow, so also gulli.
Ursel reflects statuseffects and special skill damage, but gulli doesn’t give ursel a status effect and no special skill damage.

Already explained it here in those 4 posts why it ignores taunt or dodge

And here reflect