Hey guys. I’ve recently come in to some more red heroes, and was wondering what titan team you would use against green titans. We are fighting 11-12* titans right now. Below, I’ll list what I consider my viable options, along with their emblem level.
Miki +3
Black Knight +19
Zimkitha +18
Tyr +2
Scarlett +20
Wilbur +18
Boldtusk (Will not get emblems)
Guardian Falcon (Will not get emblems)
Ares 3x70 (I have the mats to max, except a D. Blade. But, he will not get any emblems)
Wilbur - BK/Zim - Falcon - Scarlett - Miki
BK attack buff is good but avarage speed and around -100 attack different with Zim.
Zim fast and also deal damage, but attack buff is not as high as BK though.
I would try for a while both formation.
After Ares max, maybe can try like this:
Position: Wilbur - Ares - Scarlett - Falcon - Miki
This make high tiles have advantage (Scarlett and Wilbur).
But speciall cast order: WIibur, Ares, Falcon, Scarlett.
Based on the description, it looks like it would stack, yes. At least up to 170%.
What I’m currently using for an attack team is Miki, BK, Zim, Tyr, Wilbur. BK + Wilbur provides quite a bit of survivability. But, the one thing I don’t really like is even if BK reduces damage to 1, Wilbur still spreads the rest of the damage like he would normally. The only benefit BK + Wilbur have is if BK doesn’t go off, Wilbur spreads the damage. But BK is so beefy, I was considering changing Wilbur out.
Falcon literally just got maxed, so I haven’t used him yet. But yes, I definitely agree. The list that I posted is what I’ve been using, up until Falcon got maxed.
Personally, I think Miki, Falcon, and Wilbur are all must-haves. It’s really the last 2 slots I’m struggling with. I’m thinking BK because he can take a beating. My only issue at that point is, if I add BK to that list, I have no healing at all. My only option would be to put Boldtusk in there. Zim’s healing isn’t enough to make any sort of difference IMO.
Jinbatsu I’d personally just stick with this suggestion, and not even put Ares there even after he’s maxed.
A single titan hit after casting both Wilbur + Black Knight will make the attack buff increase to +65%. Better combo than Ares IMO, not to mention Taunt can protect from having your entire teams attack lowered by green titan skills.
I would replace Scarlett with Tyr personally, once he gets more emblems. He has slightly less attack than her, but more durable and still packs good tile damage.
Unless your Scarlett is at +18 or higher, I’d replace her personally. I’d keep Boldtusk there as it’s more valuable to have the attack buff and heal. Boldtusk should only be replaced by a better attack buffer like Black Knight or Ares, or Lancelot at least.
I think the main benefit of Ares would be the +36% crit which can lead to more than +65% damage if the tiles actually crit. But then you’re leaving something to RNG…
The problem I see in your anti-green titan team is the randomness of Wu Kong’s inaccuracy that a player using him sometimes feel that the misses incurred is not that what was written on the hero card but more. Mostly, Miki is the beat attack booster. He was available last Atlantis and may make a re-appearance sometime in the future. Tarlak is the second best and is available monthly when the Atlantis portal opens. Both Tarlak and Miki does not have the inherent self-ailment like Wu Kong have.
Yea unfortunately Wu Kong’s all I got since after 47 pulls this past Atlantis, I was unsuccessful in pulling either Miki or Tarlak. Not even one 5* out of the last 100+ Atlantis pulls I’ve done other than HOTM.
Well, what my experience told me is not to chase heroes as it will tend not to be good financially on your end. I’ve gotten most of my prized heroes with the use of a single x10 gem pull for that portal and afterwards, i am done whether i got what i wanted or not. And there were several instances where i got the HOTM using free coins/tokens. I got Mik, Telluriai, etc. doing just that. 2 Clarissas and 2 Velas were also obtained also by doing that on separate portals. Also got 2 GMs, one from Atlantis and the other from the 1st ToL.
In sum, whenever you summon, please lower your expectations. Try reverse psychology on yourseld when summoning. It may make wonders for you too