Gathering resources through raiding

I am always out of ham, and i am going to need even more food than currently. I was thinking about getting food from raids and using my 140 raid flasks for this.
The problem i see is that soon i am going to hit my peak in raids and only fighting hard enemies.
Is it worth the hassle? In other words is this decent way to get ham? Thanks.

It is a decent way to get some ham on the side if one of the criterias you use to choose your opponent is the amount of ham you will get with a win.


But how can i choose opponent based on its ham when i need ham to reroll? If only i could reroll with iron.

If you have 140 flasks it doesn’t seem like you have any immediate other use.

Raiding will acquire food. So Its more of a question if this is how you want to use your time?

Maybe you never reroll and accept the losses. If you win 50% you can stay at a similar cup level.


Thanks. Is there any other use for raid flasks? :slight_smile:
So 50% winrate still means i get more food?

1% win rate means more food

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The other use is for filling the Heroes chest. Other than that, if you love raiding.

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For sure. Raid when you have time. If the current raid looks too tough, head to the watch tower and pick the first lucrative revenge. I aim for anyone of 30k ham.

The only limiting factor is time. If you raid too high, you’ll be knocked down in the morning. It also helps if you set your defense on the weak side.


That is what I do. What you need to do is to set a 1 star defense, so that every time you log off your cup rating goes down as low as possible. Then next time you do it all over.

So no you can´t use 140 raid flasks in one go, but you can use 1 or 2 every time you log on. It´s more of a long term process than a 1-time thing.

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