🦸‍♂️ Garten - 5* Nature / Green from Return to Sanctuary

I haven’t had a response and as far as I’m aware no-one else has.

It’s bad, really bad.


Everybody on line also get the same responce from them.

they don’t care. they don’t care about their customers who play it


Yep. Just generic responses from customer support as always.

They know we are here, they know we are angry and upset.

We can’t let this go.


I’m in same situation, bought 19 golden emblems so i can get garten maxed 2 weeks ago + i used around 1500€ to get him. I alredy guit and uninstalled the game 2 days ago. I come back if they change him back. That softskin “buff” is useless and i dont need a medicore healer


I can do that.
Here is it for you:


Get over to the new thread and make your voices heard.

Whether you’re big or little spenders, if they can do this kind of switch to Garten they can do it to any hero.


And Obakan a good healer :wink:


from a ok goodish hero to an uninteresting healer…

and of course, of all Gargoyls, i pull that one…

what a sh**show

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He would make the current 850 damage hero not as powerful, only thing I can think of. But I’m well aware now not to chase anything as it could be completely changed??? How!?

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Bro, even if they give us a reset token, I wouldn’t spend another cent on this game because we’ve see how they operate!


Your Garten lost his counterattack so their Garten could have it back in the event.

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Hmm suspicious maybe SG will make new Garten Jr with riposte :face_in_clouds:

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Garten is crap now
Screw the devs
ruining the game for everyone


Yeah totally agree.

Even the new stats is not working as the card says…
Softskin is only working at best once. And yep this goes for all hereos that fires, one hit and its gone.

Healt drop is also not functioning as the card says. Tried use him in the liga, and 80% of the opponent heroes did not drop health at all. Some dropped a bit and maybe 1 or so dropped as the cars says…

So not only do we get screwed by Zynga, they cannot even get the new card working as instructed…

What a joke

He would make the current 850 damage hero not as powerful, only thing I can think of.

Well that depends on Zynga because as itnis now, he does not do the the new job either on most heroes you encounter.

Just did 6 liga raids this morning, and think he did the job on 1 out of 36 heroes. The softskin also only worked partial once, after that no use or effect… so one might just put an aife in as substitute instead

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If they don’t provide us with a satisfactory resolution in the next three days I will join you. They know exactly how much money I spend every month…. I won’t do it any longer.


@all there is a new thread that was created about the Garten fiasco. Link below. Please please please go share your thoughts there even if you have to repeat yourself. You can just copy your comments from this thread and post it there.


Join us. Fight the power!


Thank you, Money is the only language they speak and If enough people speak with their Wallet, they will listen eventually


Same as others: no direct response when asking Customer Support for compensation (like an Alpha Reset Token) for the complete change to Garten. They just copy-paste responses to go to the community discussion to and that balance changes are sometimes made. They are not saying “No” directly, just a no by redirection.

I still suggest others to contact customer support to voice their requests for compensation. Squeaky wheels get the grease and all.

Will ask them to turn off my purchases next.