Had my first encounter with her today, she was in tank position. Took a couple attempts and she seems solid.
A potential companion for Telluria?
I have been having great fun with her and Telluria together (See video above a few posts above)…btw don’t forget…Minions Crit! Been getting deadly minion tic damage from the two of them together, and thats with her at less than 3 70.
Indeed! When I first pulled Freya I wasn’t anticipating being in any real hurry to work on her…
Then pulled Telluria and figured maybe I now have a use for her.
And possibly PiBs at some point as well (had him a while but not maxed as I didn’t feel I had a team to build around him.
Firing telly, then PiBs then Freya sounds like a fun combo to me!
very happy to get her. As a player who is still building and collecting 5star hero think she will compliment my team nicely. seashat, ares, justice
I raided the same team. Freya actually never fired, but the realm bonus of mana reduction upon death was a huge PITA and led directly to me losing the raid. It’s really such a huge effect because I would have had 3 fast heroes ready to fire at that point and would have almost certainly won.
I don’t have Freya, so these comments come only from the perspective of how she functions in defense. And I’ve run into her relatively few times so far.
I’m disappointed so far. Recognizing that people may not yet have found a good way to construct a defense with her, she’s been underwhelming. The attack boost of her minons is rarely relevant, so it seems she’s giving what’s effectively a heal and a defense up without really excelling at either.
In the situations where I’ve encountered her so far it generally would have been worse for me if she had been, say, Magni.
All that said, I had high hopes for her, particularly on offense where you can manage your minions better and I’m still optimistic she’ll do well there.
I have her at 4-76. Not really impress as imo she could only be useful when
- U have another minion team (lack of versatility)
- In farming since u can keep firing ss to accumulate minions before u faced the boss
Will not be so usefull in
- Raid if she was the only minion maker in team. (Admit it how many time she could fire her skill during raids)
- Titan - i am generally avoiding minion in titan as time is an essence. It will waste ur time waiting for minion to attack one by one.
I found freya on defense. If she combined with telluria, the wall of minions will make it harder to kill the opponent team.
Here’s the video:
I have Freya at 3.70 and all I have to say is awesome! Even in defense!We are not discussing it with Telluria…
I’ve had a chance to find one Freya full +16 at a tank position. Here is a my video. Feel free to comment. There’s no audio. Empires and puzzles. Fighting Freya +16 at tank position. - YouTube
Does anyone know if there is a bug with her Realm Bonus? I swear no enemies mana have been dropping at all when she died and recorded it…1 dropped a tic and gained it right back immediately and other 4 didn’t drop at all
I haven’t seen many/ any of her in live release to test
If you come up against one / use her maybe record it?
I don’t have her nor found her in raids…
But looking at rags up there vid they have dropped a bit (if was the 5% idk)…
In the video drake mana barelly noticeable the drop… But as Onatel was full mana and it has dropped a bit…
Any recommendation on talent path for Freya?
…and as a side note, she is awesome paired with Telluria
Defense and health as she already has pretty high base attack and her minions scale off of her health and defense. The minions are there to keep her alive, and the attack buff to them is given without needing to increase her attack.
Excellent, thanks for your quick response!
Been playing with her a bit more again.
With PiBs (max) and Telluria (max).
Even a low level Freya (SS 3/8) is making a single fire of each hero’s special into a farming killing machine - 8/7 bosses disappear in a haze of minion rattleguns.
Gonna have to max her up ASAP I think.
My teammates who got her cannot rave enough about her. I would prolly put her on my minion team ASAP and risk the minor loss of control for the crazy minion damage. It is currently a PnB, LoL team with support from MN and Onatel, but I could find a place for Seshat elsewhere. I want her, have over 6 tabards, so guess who isn`t getting her?