Free daily summons

The free daily summons are collectable? Could I use the daily portal as a “summons’ bank” when my roster’ space is full?:thinking:

99% sure the free summons do not stack, so you cannot save them.


Daily summons doesnt stack
So you will only have 1 summon (or 2 with VIP) till you collect them, but you can save as many summon tokens as you like


Thanxm for your fast reply, guys!:wink:

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Havent received the limit yet lol

Free daily summon is limited each day 1x summon or 2x summon with VIP, and can not be stocked in inventory, because there are no Token, it is only free summon in certain time (each day).

Silver Token is unlimited and can be stocked in inventory like other token, and can use at the Daily Summon Portal.

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