šŸŽ­ Fosco - 4* Ice / Blue from Carnival of Gods

Dumb passiveā€¦ Noor doesnā€™t get a minion and Viscaro doesnā€™t give a fiend.

Itā€™s weird that they created such a bad 4 star hero for a new event. He really need to be reworked to pair with his Family, may be mana speed faster or one more line which have reflect ailment like other new heroes.

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With dispel 1st and minion removal 2nd he would at least be ok, even with his horrible heal.

They arenā€™t even trying to release decent cards that r outside the paywall !! This guy sucks !!! Needs damage or something better than HoT. Defo dispel 1st. Is the thinking that being slow gives time for more minions to show ? By that time the fights over but unlike other minion removers that gain from the higher the amount of minions this guy gives zilch no matter 1 or 15 minions removed so that logic fails !! I just donā€™t get this guy ??? Can anyone show a bit of insight & come up with a theory as to why it was released like this in a new event? A ā€˜GODSā€™ event no less ??!!!??

Hi @PlayForFun, there are a couple of mentions of Itham in the polls for Fosco.

Did anyone notice that this guy is Dawa in disguise? Look at the hands :face_with_monocle:

@PlayForFun soā€¦ I think the consensus is overwhelming that fosco is underwhelmingā€¦ If there isnā€™t one, can you make the balance+ buff thread for fosco.

My personal opinion is that slow for dispel is underwhelmingā€¦ And considering the number of amazing 4* event heroes that are already in the game, e.g. Sergei, ferrent, mielikki, waddles, zhou yu and his blue brother, the holy and fire 4* from w3k as wellā€¦

It just seems like this guy should do something elseā€¦ Or at a different speedā€¦ And ifā€¦ This has been mentioned before, please accept my apologies.

While Iā€™m at it. He doesnā€™t even pair that well with his own familyā€¦ because Fortuna has priority dispel in the same colorā€¦ So if she goes off first, then foscoā€™s dispel will likely be inconsequential. It just seems likeā€¦ He should be moreā€¦ Considering he is the 4* godā€¦ So not zeus or Hadesā€¦ But maybe a Hermesā€¦ 2nd tier godā€¦ but has an important job.


I agree with everything you said in conceptā€¦ But what i did was charge mielikki and zhou yu and put their minions in front of kvasirā€™s, then i used axes to clear the initial wave of minions in the boss levelā€¦ And kvasirā€™s bees did the restā€¦ Worked for the 3/4* levels.

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Here is balance discussion topic for him:


Much obligedā€¦ Appreciate youā€¦ Hugs all around.


I got it on my first try, but I would rather have gotten the three stars. I didnā€™t even see a use for taking up space, He are slow and outdated hero, I couldnā€™t find a use in the current game for him

I used him unleveled with Kalo in the current event - with good successā€¦ dead and with his skills on the gargoyle he became surprisingly useful. But yes: he is currently in urgent need of a speed buff and also might need a little more bells & whistles to become valuable.

I got him and was like meh. Yesterday I pulled him twice in a row. So now I have three.

Probably will keep one and wait for buff

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From 22 pulls, I ended up with about 6 of him, itā€™s like it knows he is terrible and deliberately gives multiple of him.

I fed all but 1 of mine away, I have plenty of other heroes (3* and 4* and 5*) to max, so itā€™s pointless keeping more than one of him for me personally.


I also got 3 in 12 pulls. So ANYONE WHO SAYS THIS PULLING CRAP IS RANDOM U R OFF YOUR FACE !!! Thereā€™s no way u shud pull this many of the same hero. Itā€™s actually the opposite of a RNG !!! What can we do? Thereā€™s no governing body to check that the RNG algorithm is correctly set so we just have to bend over, drop ā€˜em & take whatever theyā€™re giving !!!


Actually, he is the second most likely hero to pull from this portal. First is Alessia with almost 8% odds, then Fosco at 5,7% odds. I think even S1 3* have smaller odds, I didnā€™t count them but I think each one has below 5% odds.

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I saw one 10 pulls with 3 5*ā€¦ So statistical anomalies happenā€¦ Good or bad.

Hi @PlayForFun , just to highlight a couple of copy/paste issues - 2x Itham s/b Fosco.

And a tiny typo (Minion)


(One day I maybe able to fix these myself, maybe :thinking: )

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Thx, Poll caption is fixed.

Also thx for noticing this Minion typo. It seems it was with us for a long time as ALL Carnival of God heroes including Fortune and Jove had this issue.
Now this is fixed in all Carnival of Gods hero cards.


Thanks - swift update as always :rocket:

There were actually two mentions of Itham.

This oneā€™s hiding in the Note - sneaky :ninja:

PlayForFun going the extra mile again! :star:

Fosco is my 1st Masked God hero :grinning: