I think that kingston with +5 is better than any of the other options in there… except maybe Telly at tank but you would have to rework the entire defence.
Not really keen of doing that, I’m pretty happy about my Ursi-Ona pairing. That’s why I didn’t rush to do drastic changes before. I’m also lacking Vela, and even if I do have maxed JF, it makes whole defense central unstable.
I like Kingston, and that def keeps me easily 2500-2600 cups.
But that raises other dilemma. If not leveling Telluria now (yes she is still good, blaablablaa etc etc, but I have her maxed two other accounts and would really like some diversity) would you choose Margaret over Tarlak to go with green dream mono team (currently Kingston, Kadilen, Morgan, Hansel+19, Caed/Mel)? Looking that written down I would say Tarlak but you have always had good ideas.
Ok so probably no need for Tarlak then. I would go with Margaret. She will boost that green titan team quite considerably due to the very high attack stat & her dodge will come in handy keeping allies alive.
Kingston is king. It’s in the name . Tyr does fine with 1 emblem, as he already has a revive and HoT. Tyr isn’t hard hitting like Kingston, and doesn’t provide AoE utility like Kingston.
I have Tyr maxed too, but my current defense is which keeps me around 2600 cups.