Léonidas C2 IS missing for normal défense down
Exact, thx @Rafi
I’ve updated the visual with the missing info
Another one to add against fire titans. The new ice hero Celimene gives -44% defense for 3 turns.
Visual updated with Celimene (Defense Down)
Update with Nine-Headed Beast (Attack Buffer)
Your are awesome as usual!!
Update with Ferrus (Elemental Defense Down)
OP (Dark titans) updated with Jana (Defense Down)
OP (Dark titans) updated with Zione (Attack Up)
C Morel added (Defense Down)
Brimstone added (Elemental Defense Down)
Mysteri best tank fot Titans.
Ithar added (Attack Buff)
C Puss in Boots added (Attack Buff)
Thank you as always for your work and effort!
Zuni added (Defense Down)
Boots added (Defense Down)
Amazing how many forget Ilmarinen
emm… he’s in ! he is even the first one of DD…
Oh yes I see him now, good job!