Fighter emblems reset – Boldtusk for Delilah

Currently i have BT at +19 and my deliliah at +3 wondering thoughts about resetting BT and giving to deliliah any thoughts

I only reset Boldtusk for Kingston. I don’t think I would’ve reset him for many other heroes.
I’m not sure the benefits of Delilah outweight the benefits of a heavily emblemed Boldtusk.


How often do you use BT?

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I’d leave BT and just give them to Delilah now.

I got BT +20 and costumed. He’s a beast. He can hang with the big boys.


BT +20 is basically a 5* healer/buffer. He is invaluable to titans and red stacks/wars. Leave him emblemed and apply only future emblems to Delilah.


Currently BT is my only powerful red as i still havent found a 5* red in 18 months lol so guess he keeps his emblems for now i habe a second i just finish his max but no emblems yet

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Smart move. Steadily up Deliah’s emblems just like you did for BT.

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