šŸ“Æ Fenrir ā€“ Season 3 Hero ā€“ 5* Ice/Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

I mean, Iā€™m speaking from my own opinion. I just canā€™t fathom how theyā€™d introduce realm bonus as a new feature only to undercut other heroes.

If Iā€™m wrong then they can change the name from ā€œrealm bonusesā€ to ā€œrealm detrimentsā€ and then there wonā€™t be any residual confusion lol


When it was first introduced, I just thought it was a negligible SS. But then I just figured it was similar to the Springvale negative buffs.

TBH, I think the game would be more interesting if they started introducing negative skills similar to what Bi-Wulf has so that you have to try to figure out specific heroes to stack with him.

Using Gato and Tuck with him for the last tournament was interesting and a welcome change.

Youā€™re obviously sounding like a noob with that statementā€¦ Did you not see my image, the attack buff does not override BT. So your statement is irrelevant. It should work the same with the blind is what I am saying. I agree with everything Mr. Spock is saying. Trust me I am only pointing out what is a mechanical failure, I could care less about this hero personally. Just another hero in my roster. I just believe this is not supposed to be a detrimental to other heros on YOUR team.


Exactly what I am saying. They are all bonuses and help the team. This is the only feature that seems to be not in line with the intended feature of season 3 heros.

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Miki hands down! I donā€™t own Miki, but heā€™s essential for titan top score

Miki doesnā€™t need to be at 4.80 though to do his thing. Not worth the scopes unless youā€™re over 11*/12* titans

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In my case, thatā€™s everydayā€™s Titanā€¦ Donā€™t have Miki, but imagining burning through mats to keep him alive at 11/12* Titan is costly!

Anyways, weā€™ve deviated from the topic of Fenrir!

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I already made a bug thread for this and it has been answered as I have relayed it to you. I have asked about this before, I do know the question and concern. This has already been answered.

What is the answer from the bug thread?

Yes but that has not been correct. If so one of them is a bug bc look at my BT image. So there is a bug either one way or another.

Iā€™ve been having a lot of fun with the King Arthur & Fenrir 1-2 chop & chomp combo. Your set-up sounds fun too. I only have Fenrir and Elena for fighters so I believe I will throw emblems at Fenrir. Iā€™m thinking attack and pick up health + defense along the way, thoughts?

I think he might even be an upgrade in my defense team compared to KA (who is currently in there):

Kunchen def down goes off, Drake and Zim soften them, and Fenrir polishes one off. @Guvnor @ALI_G


yeah i was disappointed with the Update Notes today

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What did they say??


Nothing about Realm Bonuses

Think Fenrir is not bad in right wing in defense at all. If you are going to emblem him even more so.
He is a bit squishy so you may try to focus on defense and health while picking up attack on the way. He is anyway a monster with the 600% and most of the time is an overkill. So something like 800/800/1400 stats if any path allows it seems like a good path for me and something more and more am doing ( Vela, Kingston etc. ) i have taken to over 800 defense + all my Rigards. Seems 800+ is a defense that allows survivability. With all the DoTs and Clarisa coming in may, hp also will be important.


Sounds like my King Arthur & Alice combination!
Packs a wallop in offence!

Given your Blue options I would say that YES Fenrir is an upgrade over King Arthur on a defence team. Given your roster, I would probably definitely be stripping fighter emblems from Elena to give them to Fenrir :slight_smile:


So Iā€™m in a tough spot. I had given the green light to Fenrir for my 6 scopes but the closer he gets to 3.70 the more I wonder if I should give them to Vela. Itā€™ll be a while before I get 6 more and she seems way better than anyone thought.

I do have Telluria too but donā€™t care much about having the Telluria/Vela defense. I hold diamond just fine. My concerns are making the best offensive choices. I typically use 3-2 though Gazelle might make a viable rainbow raiding team with emblems and the right synergy.

Fenrir seems really fun to use on offense and an excellent finisher, but if a target is over 50% his hit is weak. Vela on the other hand does an extra 70% damage to red and weakens the whole team.

My current maxed 5ā€™s are Kingston+7, Finley+9, Ariel, Black Knight, Jabberwock+5, and soon to be Gazelle. Soonish to be c. Lianna, Kage, and Grazul.

Which of the two can you put the most emblems on?

I donā€™t think either will get emblems. Alby, Vela, and Gazelle are my main druids and I think Gazelle is most deserving because sheā€™s crazy good on offense.

And I think Kingston is a better fighter and heā€™s who I have my fighter emblems on currently.

So that doesnā€™t make it any easier to choose. I want to decide who will be most versatile on offense :thinking: