šŸ“Æ Fenrir ā€“ Season 3 Hero ā€“ 5* Ice/Blue: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Blue Legendaries are my blessing and my curseā€¦ blessing because they seem to be attracted to me like a groupie to a Rock Star, a curse because the 'Scopes by comparison look at me and say ā€œMeh, heā€™s a six at bestā€

Made a coin draw, got a Fenrir. No Scopes for him right now. Wondering ig he should get them when they come or use them on the Vela I have sitting at 3-70.


Well everybody around here already knows you are full of something.

But I loves you too much to mention it. :pirate_flag::pirate_flag::pirate_flag:


Youā€™re right that I misremembered Misandra small vs moderate, but Marge remains the same phrasing as alby but 24%. Phrasing is notoriously inconsistent and imprecise in this game, and let us not pretend otherwise.

Depends on your other guys. I maxed Vela cos sheā€™s fast and I use her with an attack multiplyerā€¦ She was my only fast blue before Fenā€¦

Sorry, a bit off topic

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Tried Fenrir with a 11% mana troop. Six tiles are not enough to fully charge him after he killed a hero with his special. A single minion on top of a hero kill or 13% mana troop would be sufficient to charge with six tiles.

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I know itā€™s still a bit early to have enough feedback on this hero, but what is the general consensus on Fenrir? Mostly positive?

thereā€™s something I donā€™t understand : is the HP of minions added to heroā€™s HP when deciding if this hero has over or under 50% health remaining ?
Can someone please clarify ?

Very strong finisher, not quite a sniper, but if they are below 50% health and arenā€™t a tank good chance you can kill the enemy hero. I would say he is a strong A. Not an A+ because of his restrictions but a good must have on blue stacks or general offense if you donā€™t have Kage.


No it is not.

HP of hero only, which is why @Ender_BattleSchool referred to him as a Seshat killer.


Has anyone tried him against an Aegir tank ? Like if Aegir has less than 50% health and his buff is active he hits 600% and is split among all of the heroes ? Is he healed for all of the damage or only Aegirā€™s? I have him at 1/1 so I cant quite test it right now :confused:

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If someone wants to give me a Fenrir Iā€™ll test all these things and more for you



Thatā€™s a good question. Hopefully some of the bigger questions in this thread get answered soon to ease my pain about not getting Tyr

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Seems like he does hit for 600% but only regenerates 50% of the damage dealt to Aegir :confused:


I mean, that seems fair lol. Disappointing itā€™s not a super heap, but I wouldnā€™t have expected that.

Fenrir is a top blue hero. Much better than Missandra.


With +19 on many heroes, even the top snipers are going to have a hard time killing.

@PugPotato how much health is he gaining on average?

He seems like Misandra in the gaining mana aspect.
He seems like Leo, Elk and similar to Victor in gaining health.

I havenā€™t lvled him yet but if both above are true, then he seems like a A+/A grade.

I use very fast Victor still on most of my raids, he can self sustain.

Fenrir would be similar to Victor and maybe his mana falls between very fast to fast.

Am I overlooking something? What is the negative?

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Compared to his red brotherā€¦

I donā€™t think Fenrir is a problem.
The ā€œoverkillā€ damage that he does at less than 50% is almost pointlessā€¦
Every sniper in the game is capable of performing kill shots in the less than 50% rangeā€¦

Soā€¦ if his true value is killing that enemy who is fully loaded with minions at 40% health,
Well thenā€¦
Not only is that situational butā€¦
Itā€™s also specific for offense! Because on defense, will the A.I. hit those targets every single time? I think notā€¦

At least Misandra shares power with her allies.
This selfish yet strong lone wolf is really not a problem.


^^^ Thereā€™s far too much certainty here for a theoretical assessment


Google translation added by @zephyr1

Fenrir is quick mana so he will give more results since the enemy didnā€™t have time to heal before the next attack.


Fenrir Ć© mana rĆ”pida entĆ£o ele vai dar mais resulta visto que o inimigo nĆ£o vei ter tempo de se cura ates do prĆ³ximo ataque.

@Zano: Please note that per Forum Rules, the official language of the Forum is English. Youā€™re welcome to post in any language in Foreign Languages. In all other sections, posts must be translated to English before posting. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Iā€™ve just redid the test with lvl 11 mana troop - and 6 tiles (3 ghosted) were enough to charge him!

I have Fenrir at max special (8/8), so maybe thatā€™s the difference?