Since I wrote the same thing about 100 times over the course of the last half year I figured I write it once now and then just send the link out every time there is a question about this
So who should you pick from Fated summons round 2?
You can´t see who´s on row 1? That´s on purpose! never ever look at those. The only reason to pick them is when you want Souls for next SE.
Now to the real options:
Group 1. First skip all the ones I have X-ed out. Are they completely and utterly useless? No, they are better than the ones you can´t see at all, but I don´t think they are worth considering spending your hard earned summons on. Some extremely rare exceptions exists, but those people are not likely to need a guide like this to help with their decision.
Zimkitha: Close to no damage and even less heal is hard to make up for. Atomos: Low to OK (unreliable) damage and not much else. Raffaele: A slow healer that does not overheal. Misandra: Small sniper-hit with an unreliable chance to hit more targets (for even less damage). Mok-Arr: Salmon Loki is a god compared to this guy.
Group 2. Heroes that I would not recommend to everybody, but have certain uses and can fill niches for people that have the basics covered already or want heroes in certain colors or classes.
Gefjon: A decent sniper (with a little side bonus against minions). Mitsuko: I would say the best red hero again (she also was the best red last round), but this time there are too many really strong options in other colors to keep a spot in the top 5 for her Reflect blue and mana steal are 2 really good extras that make up for a less than amazing damage. Zeline is like Zimkithas famous (underwear malfunction fame mostly) sister. However the combination of dispel and attack down can make her an interesting partner for a green healer in a support stack (when dispel is a must have). Yellow is the strongest colour this time with all 3 heroes being above avg quality! Inari: Good Rogue dodge hero! Sif: Good Rogue Counterattack hero with damage reduction and mana boost!
Group 3. The top 5: All of them are going to be useful for a wide range of people. They serve a variety of purposes, so pick based on your needs.
Heimdall: Boosted health and Attack boost make him much more than a (somewhat weak) reviver. For many people this will be the first reviver (besides Gramps), so he can serve that purpose if he has to, but he can just as well serve as a tank in PvP as well as a strong supporter for Towers and other hard to defeat boss monsters.
Lord Loki: Maybe the number 1 pick for versatility and fun! Maybe even the strongest hero of the lot! Copy any enemy skill! You are up against a Khufu/Ludwig/Alfrike or the likes? Perfect now you have a faster version of the same hero on your side It is impossible to go wrong with this guy!
Malosi: I am guessing this might be my most controversial Top5 pick. Seen some Ludwig tanks with LB2 around lately? This guy loves it! All you need is 6 tiles and Ludwig does exactly nothing at all, tile dump all you want into that big fat hunk of iron! Not even the initial taunt can stop Malosi (well it makes it easier as you can´t accidentally target the wrong guy anymore)!
Grimble: He is a 2 in 1 deal! Not only is he an obvious clean slate solution to all your minion troubles, on top of that he speeds up your whole team while cleaning up the mess! The more the merrier!
Bera: Another great anti-minion solution, although in a bit more roundabout way. Besides preventing minions from happening in the first place she is also a strong minion hero herself, which makes her a pretty good purple tank for those that still need to fill that niche for their alliance wars, but you can also bring her as a support hero on offense.
To be honest, I have 100 pulls sat waiting in the Fated Summons count, so I can choose any of these heroes available…
But I haven’t made my mind up yet …
I already have 12 of the heroes on offer in my roster …
So I need to think - do I need a duplicate Lord Loki
Or, should I go for:
Bera or
Atomos with the 2LB effect maybe slightly better, as long as he gets to fire first as tank.
Hoping for salmon Loki next FS, has tons of potential with super elemental heroes
Well every hero gets better with LB 2, but spending alpha aethers on that guy is well maybe only a good idea if you have nobody else at all. In terms of this fated summon guide this would never happen, because you can simply pick a better one to start with and then LB2 that one
I agree Salmon Loki would be fun and is also quite a likely candidate (although I wouldn´t complain about an Alfrike there )
LoLo for me, 100%… in about three month or so (I’m on 32/100). If things go amazingly well and I get atother 170 summons until reset (wishful thinking), I might go for Grimble… or wait for reset, depending on the rumors on FS3…
Really appreciate this post! Super helpful guidance as I feel quite lost. I thought only the bottom row was good but you make a great point about Grimble and Malosi.
Zimkitty was NEVER about her damage. Rather she was about the(modest) atk boost & healing to red AND cleanse. The cleanse @ fast being the most important bit. The HotM family elink bonus extends her healing to all if you have another 2018 HotM(gravy, Evelyn, gregorion, Aeron, Alasie from my my roster). It heals for about 65hp per turn or 385(BT level healing, albeit over time) total if not dispelled. My go to w/ Zim is a red 2 stack w/ Gravemaker(for the 2018 bonus) but she gives Everybody a lil kick in the pants come attack time. Mine is still +20.
Raffa is slow and he doesn’t overheal, BUT he brings anyone below 50% hp back to 50% AND then heals 203 per turn for 4 turns AND cleanses. That was quite the toolkit in 2020 and is still pretty viable today. Elink is also useful for a blue stack or against a green tank/team’s specials. I stripped my Raffa for Agrafena and Zhabog a while ago, but he does still make appearances semi-regularly.
For roster context, i am a 3+ year player w/ 100ish maxed 5*(50ish heavily emblemed), which might qualify me as one of your exceptions.
As far as this FS, I have 15 of these already. My wish list form this one is Grimble(took day 1), Gefjon, Heimdall, Zeline & Inari in that order. Then maybe a 2nd LoLo and 2nd Malosi, because they are good/great and will be useful for a long while.
I think you undervalue CLEANSE as a mechanic. But that is primarily based on my playstyle, heavily influenced by the heroes i had early on in my game experience. Thank you for the post.
Cleanse is useful - but just how useful is entirely dependent on what team you normally use and what team you are facing.
In my regular (FTP account) raiding I rarely (never) use a cleanser as I have both a HOT (C Ammeona) and an overhealer (C C Viv) and so even if I get hit by a DOT the healing can usually counter it. I also start battles with Shrub’s pre-taunt which means that DOTs and mana effects from the tank are usually absorbed by him only. C Ameonna also counters defense down which is probably the worst of the ailments that you can pick up. Mana affecting ailments and others like attack down I am usually OK just to wait out.
I don’t raid much in my P2P account but when I do I normally have Director Z on the team - not specifically for the cleanse but because she is such a good healer and the clease is just a bonus. And she synergises with Arco really well.
On touraments I use cleansers a lot more because I sometimes face teams with multiple debilitating DOTs or mana effects and I can’t bring the healers/support heroes that I would normally be able to bring. In rush wars I think cleansers are also generally more useful.
I’m pretty sure Zim was my 1st maxed red 5* star and def my tank of choice for a good while in 2020. Most often i bring a cleanser, a dispeller, a healer/overhealer and 2 damage dealers offensively. That is beginning to change as the skills have cross-pollinated, but that’s still my 1st instinct and if 1 of the cleanse/dispelllers also heals then i get another damage dealer in the mix. In the current meta, my roster is built to survive the onslaught and THEN deal punishment.
My FTP team of choice is Shrub, CC Viv, C Ameonna, Bonecrusher and either Peppermint or Merlin depending on who I am facing.
My P2P team of choice is (usually) C Sabina, Ludwig, Alfrike, Director Z and Arco. C Sabina is replaced depending on whether I need a quality dispeller or not. Arco is replaced with Luigi depending on the team I face. Before Ludwig I would often have 4 support heroes/healers and Rayne as the single damage dealer
The strategy is similar to yours - have as many support healers in as many colours as possible to ensure survival until you can strike and whittle down your enemy. Often a battle of attrition, but usualy effective and far less of a gamble.