Fated Summon - which one with this combo? Double counterattack possible?

Hi there,

I would love to hear your opion on my combo and how to improve it with a fated summon character.

Currently my team looks like this:

First I wanted to go with Mitsuko (red), as I am a.) missing a good red hero and b.) wanted to have the double reflect with Boril. So if I would place Boril at in slot 2 and Mitsuko in slot 4m would actually all character benefit from the reflect? Slot 1 from Boril, Slot 5 from Misuko and slot 3 (middle) would take the last one?

Would that work? If not, which red character would you recommend to build a rainbox team?

These are the character I can choose from:

Ideally I can keep Boril, Killhare and Wang Yuanji. If that makes sense.

Thanks a lot

Can you post the rest of your roster? Mitsuko only reflects blue, whereas Boril does a normal counterattack.

Personally, I don’t see a lot of benefit in aiming for a double reflect to be honest and in my opinion there are better heros in the fated summons but it depends on roster of course and what you might need especially as it looks like you are fairly new

Get Loki. You can focus on your defense later.

You need a yellow, green and blue too.

Thanks. I am fairly new :slight_smile:

This is the rest of my roster

Good hint regarding Mitsuko only reflecting blue, thanks.