Hi there,
I would love to hear your opion on my combo and how to improve it with a fated summon character.
Currently my team looks like this:
First I wanted to go with Mitsuko (red), as I am a.) missing a good red hero and b.) wanted to have the double reflect with Boril. So if I would place Boril at in slot 2 and Mitsuko in slot 4m would actually all character benefit from the reflect? Slot 1 from Boril, Slot 5 from Misuko and slot 3 (middle) would take the last one?
Would that work? If not, which red character would you recommend to build a rainbox team?
These are the character I can choose from:
Ideally I can keep Boril, Killhare and Wang Yuanji. If that makes sense.
Thanks a lot