Emblems placing trouble

I have many good wizards so I have problem where to put my emblems.

I have Alfrike+19, C.Kiril+6 and JF+12

I pulled C.Isarnia few months ago and I’m finally working on her. I’m going to use her costumed version because of higher damage, normal is currently at 3^70 and costumed at 3^24 right now.
Normal Isarnia is already dealing huge damage with my strongly buffing/debuffing team.

I will leave Kiril at +6 for now, he is strong enough but will be emblemed later.
My main dillema is, should I stop embleming JF(in order to save food and iron) and reset him when Isarnia will be finished or keep embleming JF to +14/+18 and then emblem Isarnia?

Here are teams that I’m using, right now there is Grimm+18 instead of Isarnia

I do like JF and C.Isarnia, JF isn’t in my war defence

What happens when you reset? (I’m fairly new, and just started emblems with two of my 4* heros)
Rigard and Griffin

You can reset with reset token(you get back all used emblems and some ham and iron in crates) or with gems(you get back 95% of used emblems)

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I’d rather have Kiril with emblems than either JF or isarnia.

Would you replace JF if you reset his emblems? Given you have falcon, is it better to have someone that better jives with the team?

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I have fully emblemed Wilbur and Kelile but I would probably stay with JF anyway, his burn and C.Scarlett’s poison work really good together.

If you’re not taking him out of the starting lineup I wouldn’t reset him.


Do you get food and iron even if you don’t use a reset emblem? I thought only the reset emblem gave you that.

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Tested this on 3* because I never used gems for reset, I didn’t get food or iron so you are probably right

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You are correct. No reset emblem = no food/iron back.

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