šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Visiting Outfitter [Part of The Beta Beat v72]

SG release notes

Forum oracle prediction matches


Thank you for clearing this up. 300 gems is fair price for all of us.


Where is the list of costume that can be purchased, i saw someone posted it somewhere but couldnt find it

The list should be sticked to 1st page

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Its in this topic post #92 or #91

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Yes found it, moderator might be best to stick the list to the first page

Iā€™m just happy when I can pick something for 10 souls (because I donā€™t always have that many), instead of looking at what others picked for 20 :crazy_face:

So explain to me what would you do with duplicate 5* cards if there was no SE?
(since you think itā€™s not free)

Indeed, making progress is part of the gameā€¦ but in reality, greed (the desire to have as many cards as possible, some of which we will never upgrade or donā€™t really need) is where SGG makes its money.

And what would happen if you didnā€™t get any FS hero? Would you lose and have to start the game over?
Even if there was no FS, you would still make summons in the hope that you would pull something goodā€¦ FS only gives you a ā€œbonusā€.


I fully agree with you! IF I CAN CHOOSE.

If all I get is a 18 month old retirement home inhabitant then no, not giving away 3000 for that lol.


I think the only rule that the costume should be released before 18 months. Other than this rule, we can choose whose costume we want ? Did I get that right this event ? or Will there be a list that we can get the costumes ?

Xcept when a hero has several costumes you have to take the oldest you donā€™t own yet. No other rules announced so far

It would be interesting (though not something I would like, lol) if the price was based on how you received the hero. For example, I have Guardian Gazelle, whom I chose from Fated Summon. Since I didnā€™t pull her from a portal, it wouldnā€™t be completely unfair to charge me more for the costume than someone who actually summoned her but did so prior to the costumeā€™s release. The game does appear to record where heroes come from (in the recent activity log), so this isnā€™t that far-fetched.

It would be more work to code a system like this, though, so it seems an unlikely choice. I know Iā€™d be disappointed since Gazelle is the costume I intend to choose!

In this case, I also want to give you an advice: Think about your chosen words before hitting the button.

You did not address only that one specific user, but used the word ā€œtrollsā€, ā€œtheyā€ and ā€œsomeā€, which clearly shows that your intention was to mention more than one.
That one user was only an example for a group of users in this thread who have a different opinion.

There is abolutely no need to insult others, if you only want to explain the intentions of a single one. The english language allows us to write clearly what we mean.

I donā€™t as very happy to see @TribL call out that player as I agree theyā€™re a troll. Many of their messages are misinformation. Many are filled with hate.

I only read it as a call out for the one player and it helps others on the forum that are less familiar know to ignore this user.


Comment removed as I was confusing the Black Friday summon with the Outfitter.

Guess I can Hel n costume now ??? :laughing:


Maybe because there are more trolls in this forum than just this guy? Youā€™d know if you were visiting more frequently. I end my conversation here with you since it is very off-topic.

Yepā€¦2 years oldy ladyā€¦ :rofl:

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But so cool :fire:


But still very powerful and useful :grin:


If they were smart they would make this event monthly.

I personally would spend for gems again to buy my missing costumes.

It would be the MAJOR quality of life improvement ever.

Never seem the playerbase so positive about an update before - until now we believe itā€™s 300 gems.

Even SE had negative feedback due the expensive exchange prices.


Iā€™m a player who suffered through all the Nerf Telluria, M&M, Krampus-c, Alasie-c, Panther-C, KalĆø, Xnolphod and I still buy gems and I like the game. 300 gems is more than fair for everyone and I see it as retribution to those of us who are still playing and spending. And I would get hooked on the game again.