šŸ§Ŗ Early information on the October 2021 HOTM -- Russell

Whatā€™s with all the underpowered heroā€™s they releasing? Looks to me like they making somewhat counters to S3 S4 heroā€™s and other op heroā€™s, but except the ones hotm wise they do release are a somewhat counter but way underpowered and super niche.

By the way, when do think the details on Novemberā€™s HotM will be made available?


Not to be confused with Russula.

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They couldnā€™tā€¦Russel up another unpronounceable name?


ba dum tsssssssssssssssss


If any hero receives a fire damage, then he receives 5% mana.
So if you put fire damage to 3 heroes with him, then you get 15% mana every turn (45% over 3 turns)

If you put it on the tank for Double Raid Formations, then you can get 25% mana / turn. (75% over 3 turns)

Of course if none of the heroes are immune to fire, and no cleansing meanwhileā€¦


Duck, what a nasty duo emilio and russell

Finally a proper c kad counter. If paired with Emilio, heā€™s going to wreck
Also has a synergy with gefjon and baldur, but they need to be at low health to burn the enemy

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Agreed. I have JF and C Azlar too so itā€™s very exciting.

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Dang, thatā€™d be pretty amazing!

Now that was funny :joy::joy::joy:


Is this special also able to overcome the evasion chances from rogue class heroes?

Think it should. Russell ā€œSnakeā€ never Misses!

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Thanks guy you are Awesome!

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This hero is for one job only, counter CKadilen and all those CLittle John teams :relaxed:


If his innate ability counts for each turn of burn damage this will be a really good hero.

Can some one confirm from beta?

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Not a big fan of himā€¦

Would rather this hero come at 300% at fast speed or 400% if at average speed. 350% damage at average speed is just so mediocre - neither fast nor lethalā€¦

I donā€™t see much upside by pairing him with Wu/Ranvir either unless you do 4 Russell + 1 Wu/Ranvir. Otherwise everyone else except for Russell will continue to suffer from the random misses here and thereā€¦

This is SGs answer to all the c Kadilens. Never misses? Thatā€™s powerful. Of course, right after I get her and am maxing her they bring out this counter.


I donā€™t think his damage or speed particularly needs any increase. He is a support hero his role isnā€™t to be a primary damage dealer.

His speed is also good as for full effect it is fine if costume kadilen fires first or if he gets blinded it doesnā€™t matter. If his burn gets 3turns against the target and nearby he then only needs 5.5 tiles to go off again, even better if playing an M or W formation where he will get more automatic mana. This is a very good hero as it stands now and even outside of his niche of ckad and Ninja family bonus he is still worthwhile just for how quick you can get the second and third fires off


Thanks for pointing out the second & third fire off. I totally missed the mana gain from his innate ability.

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