đŸ§Ș Early information on the October 2021 HOTM -- Russell

This one probably should be tested or maybe already been tested.

If the burn also can be dodged by C.Kadilen? Cause it target 3-5 Hero depend on the Formation.

Cause the ailments can’t also be dodged (it’s part of the special skill). Just wondering.

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Can this guy get his own music when he fires his special? Usher’s “Burn” would be a perfect match for Russell. He never misses, and gains 5% mana. Sheesh.

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Need confirmation test from beta
 as also already mentioned by others

  1. Never miss againts dodge? cKadilen, Margaret, cLittle John etc. (I assume it never miss)
  2. Never miss bringing WuKong/Ranvir in teams allies (I assume it never miss)
  3. Get reflect from Theobald? (I assume it is still reflected), EDIT: Theobald is Green reflect, and I think there is currently no Red reflect.
  4. Get reflected by Elemental Barrier from event challenge?

Another is getting 5% mana for each hit of the burn dot. If this is true, then Russell will be a welcome addition

No one in beta kind enough to put Margaret in their defense, and the only C Kadilen I found was paired with Emilio who makes it pretty hard to test Russell with his annoying 3 turn ailment shield (thanks @Frozen !) but I never missed C Kadilen buff or a rougue (though it may be just some sick luck)

Same as above - never missed under Ranvir. And that synergy is pretty wild - you wouldn’t expect over 1000 dmg from a 350% hit.

That you can’t test in beta as there is no challenge active. But my guess is the reflect will still work.


Thx for answering @Suicide_Bunny

I have just put one c. Kadilen as tank for you. I have written that how you can find me in Beta feedback topic for this hero.

And one more thing was confirmed by @Suicide_Bunny too
If Elradir reflects the burn damage only (but not the ailment) to the opponent, then this hero does not gain mana.
(I am not sure is it expected or not. I have asked Staff to clarify it)


Thanks! I was beating it for good couple minutes and never missed C Kadilen.

I even went wild and targetted C Kadilen buffed enemies with Russell being under Ranvir’s buff
 no misses.


Wow thank you for the response. He is going to be very strong when paired with Emilio.


I might have a bit of idea @PlayForFun

Is that possible Russell to miss, if he got hit by Malosi and Blind.
Or hit by Malosi and his special can be dodged now by C.Kadilen?
Lol lots of experiment.
(Wondering if Malosi only block the Burn or also block the “never miss” skill too)

Is it possible to test Russell’s accuracy when he’s blind? Just curious whether he has built in “inner eyes” that take over when his external eyes are blinded. Lol

If you hit him with Malosi, then he can not apply the burn damage status ailments.
This is what you wanted to be tested ?

Nope. What I mean is the “never miss” can be shut down by Malosi???
Like : when Russel got hit by Bai Yong (75%blind) and also Malosi, will he miss? Or “never miss” is not part of things that Malosi can block.

I could check it a few times.

If he has Malosi’s status ailment, then we still hit my heroes.
So he was not missed any hit.

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If someone does limit break Russell and go full attack, his attack stat coyld be near Cobalt’s, and imagine a Wu/Ranvir powered Russell hitting 350% damage


I have enough materials for him
I can try it :slight_smile:


After limit break and maxing him to level 85 he has these stats (without any emblems):
Attack: 856
Defense: 796
Health: 1425
Burn Damage: 285

Attack path stats at level 85 with 20 emblems
Attack: 995
Defense: 832
Health: 1539
Burn damage: 330

Defense path stats at level 85 with 20 emblems
Attack: 905
Defense: 909
Health: 1605
Burn damage: 300


Wow. 995 attack. And when his special skill goes off, in a way, his mana speed is what, Very Fast?

All the questions about his special is all due to the description “never misses”. They need something more descriptive like unaffected by blind, bypasses special & talent dodge etc.

Also, if there is another mana booster on the attack team he’ll charge even faster. If SG can provide a more succinct description of “never misses” he may just be THE HotM of the year to have.

Here is the list of how many tiles needed for after he receives mana gain from enemies’ burn damage:

Total burn damage count
on enemies
Charged mana% Tiles needed to charge
2 10% 9
4 20% 8
6 30% 7
8 50% 6
10 50% 5
12 60% 4
14 70% 3
16 80% 2
18 90% 1
20 100% 0

idk, i find “never misses” to be descriptive enough. i know there is some consternation because previous card writing has had some wonky language (probably the most famous being C. Kadilen’s ability to dodge dispel), but i don’t think there should be any confusion about “never misses.”

blind? shouldn’t matter.

Rogue evade? shouldn’t matter.

Dodge buff? shouldn’t matter.

Wu Kong/ Ranvir buff? shouldn’t matter.

it’s also clear that “never misses” is restricted to the special skill, so Russell is still liable to miss tiles/ slash attacks if blinded or buffed by Wu Kong/ Ranvir.

elemental barrier or reflect (whenever a red reflect hero comes out) shouldn’t have any bearing on “never misses.” they’re separate considerations when resolving the use of special skills. Russell “never misses” its target with the special skill, which also means it will always do damage, which also means that said damage will always be reflected back on him.

SG already has cards that specifically ignore buffs like reflect and counterattack, and the language they use there is “bypass.”

Malosi’s card says “cannot cast new status effects or stacks.” Russell’s “never miss” capability isn’t a stack or status effect–although now that you mention it, i wonder if SG in the future will release a hero who buffs the caster and/or allies such that attacks never miss!

this is consistent with Elradir’s card and with the wording of Russell’s innate ability. when Elradir’s DOT reflect is active, Elradir doesn’t receive the DOT damage himself, so Russell shouldn’t be gaining mana because an enemy Elradir isn’t receiving burn damage.