šŸ§Ŗ Early information on the July 2022 HOTM -- Klaern [Part of The Beta Beat V48]

Donā€™t forget about that sweet 205 DOT over five, yes FIVE turns!!! LOL!!!


Klaern the merciful. Letā€™s give the opponent a few more turns to live.


Or lady loki to send that crap right back at you.

One thing about this guy is that he is a better cleric in disguise as a sorcerer. Get 5 of them and you can render the new costume Quintus useless :grin:

2022 was going so well in terms of decent HOTMā€™s until this garbage. Iā€™d rather a third Arfanias than one of this guy. Heā€™s just not functional considering what other heroes are out there. He needs an instant upgrade to average mana with increased water damage.


Alongside this guy, Balbar looks like a 5* Treevil


There are only 2 good things about this hero and they are all passives.

No mana reduction is possible: at least he will remain slow.

No special skill blocking: he can join anti Alfrike squad in very fast tournaments, although Miki is better blue for this job.

I keep looking in this damn thread to see if Playforfun tells us there is a pre release buff. Looks like the turd we see is the turd weā€™ll get.


I did that yesterday when deciding on whether to pull or to saveā€¦ I decided to saveā€¦ But Iā€™m not overly thrilled about any of the hotms on the horizon.

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This guy would be a great Alfrike counter if he had the ability to actually do something once he resists mindless attack


Agreedā€¦ Reflect mindlessā€¦ Cast an instant cleanseā€¦ Something other thanā€¦ Donā€™t worry about meā€¦ Iā€™m fine.


Isarnia is way more better than him, higher damage plus the 44% def down is more critical than ~60 dmg per turn.


exactly what I was about to postā€¦ and that is non-costumed Isarnia from 2017, holy hell what a bum this hero is )

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And i saw some coments about if he can counter Alfrike, I guess emblemed Raffaelle is better in this context, as monks have higher ratio to activate it and he cleanses the mindless attack then heals for a tremendous amountā€¦

Why get 1 raffaele when you can get 5 klaerns who can all resist the MA, and be self sufficient with self heal :smirk:


That raises another question - if 5 Klaerns fire their special they will overwrite each other, so only one Klaern will be healed or all of them can benefit from the ailement? :thinking:

Wish skills are better or damage is higher.

Blocks mana reduction and specials from Alfrike (awesome!), but end up losing anyway in very fast wars.

Main while, Goseck does 700% damange at the same speed. Zzz

You could make a more proper comparison with Goseck.
Even at his lowest point, Goseck deals 350% dmg to Klaern 240%, while Goseck can go up to maximum 700% dmg and Klaern stays the same.

Gargoly hard skin is also many times better skill than 50 hp per turn under best conditions :slight_smile:


And here we go, tried to get Cathal, but instead managed to get Klaernā€¦ meh :sleepy::sleepy:

Itā€™s both a blessing and a curse