đŸ§Ș Early information on the July 2022 HOTM -- Klaern [Part of The Beta Beat V48]

Much more curse than blessing, sorry.

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I would say it’s great for Soul Exchange, but from your posts that I remember, I think you already have plenty to exchange :cry: :cry: :worried:

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Thanks for the sympathy
but I kinda like the guy
when I first saw grimble I thought he was an ugly little thing but I really wanted him and ofcourse I didn’t get him plus all the hate he recieved in the thread was discouraging
well now he’s the go to anti minion hero (and naturally I still don’t have him) but I’m thinking I’ll keep at least 1 for well
just in case :wink:


When I first saw Grimble I wanted him anyway despite all the hate because I figured there would be a lot more minion heroes on the way in the future, and I suspected that SG was just giving us the counter early on. You could look at Grimble’s skill and at least imagine a situation in which he could become viable.

The problem with Klaern is that I can see no such situation. He is useless now, and I cannot envision a case where he’d be usable let alone useful. His ability to avoid mindless attack would be great if it was on a hero that actually did something, but on this guy it doesn’t make a significant difference.

That said, I will of course be keeping a copy in the hopes of a future buff. But I am not holding my breath for it, either.


Every year brings at least one Hotm dud. Last year was few weaker and others were relatively good so this year we had some great Hotms and to balance things, we got this guy.
Also, last slayers, wo3k and Kalevala are incentive strong enough for pulling despite Klaern so it’s really well thought strategy from SG

Yes, some are duds. But this one is so much dud that their “well thought” strategy has backfired in at least my case. Normally I’d probably do a few hundred pulls in Slayers, but this guy is so bad that I am actually doing zero pulls in slayers, despite wanting Caitlin, Senan, and Cathal. I have limited all my other pulls, too. It is not unusual for me to do 1,000+ pulls over the course of a month, but this month it will end up being significantly less. So, if this was a “well thought” strategy, they over-thought it and went much too far.

It’s one thing for an HoTM to be Reuben-bad, and a whole other thing to be useless. On defense, this guy helps the offense by being a tile dump - you can’t get worse than that! At least Reuben does some damage, and Noor discouraged minion centric offenses, Klaern does nothing. They could change his special to “Goes into the corner and cries for four turns” and it wouldn’t alter the outcome of the battle.


Audible chuckle and i agree.

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Even more annoying, I keep getting him. I’ve gotten ten copies of him, and I haven’t even been pulling that much. That’s great for soul exchange and all, but now they’re just filling up my hero roster until whenever the next soul exchange shows up.

Should be end of August i think.

Don’t get me wrong and me don’t want to make you look bad here, if you do 1000+ pulls a month, you should probably not care about 90% of Hotms. I do considerably less pulls in a month and still fed all my Russell’s, Zagrogs, Iris and Chakkos to SE


No, that was my point, I’ve definitely not done 1000 pulls, I don’t spend that kind of money. He’s got a ridiculous drop rate that is, in reality, nothing like his posted rate.

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I kinda noticed that too. I got a bunch of him and I’ve spent very little.

I did over 50 pulls and got none

I only did the kalevala pulls this month
 40 pulls only one klearn.

You can’t even field multiple copies of this hero, and why anyone would do that is beyond me. Since his niche heal is only for himself, only the latest klaern who casted will heal.
Possibly the worse hotm in current times. At least with Thoth and Perseus they get a free pass for the nostalgia, I don’t think any future hotm will top the legendarily bad rep this guy has. Unless they do a lianna type hotm or something like that

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Klaern is already released.
Please discuss him here: