šŸ§Ŗ Early information on the July 2022 HOTM -- Klaern [Part of The Beta Beat V48]

Ah, thatā€™s great, thanks for quick math, but Iā€™m afraid that SG needs to give us an infinite number of turns in raids. :smile: Plus I will need much stronger battery in my phone to be able to play for so long!


What more do you want? This is more than triple the 16/turn that Layla does, and every player has used her! And Layla hits just one!


It also overwrites velaā€¦ Maybe if it were a passiveā€¦ Then he could benefit from velaā€™s fast special while he charges, but no.

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You got me wrong. This hero is insane. Once he goes off, he becomes virtually invicible with this self-heal that can go up to 50 hp per turn if all enemies are alive. The Brogan/Sha Ji/Layla/Olaf/Jill meta will shift towards a Klaern/Klaern/Klaern/Klaern/Klaern meta.


If they release him like that he will join the fancy Useless Slow Heroes Club!

  • Dark: Quintus!!!
  • Nature: Horghall!!!
  • Ice: Klaern!!!
  • Fire: Azlar!!!
  • Holy: Guardian Owl!!!

He may not be a strong hero but hey you will be able to build a full rainbow team of that so special club!

Before you reply me

This post is only meant for fun. I know G. Owl isnā€™t useless, he is just really bad.


Special award to Klaern as a hotm and especially Owl, who is a super rare event hero.

And Iā€™m wondering if he isnā€™t actually worse than Quintus. I didnā€™t do the math, but it seems pretty likely that he does even less damage.

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I think Klaern is way worse than Quintus based in the fact that feeding Quintus to Soul Exchange doesnā€™t hurt. :rofl: Plusā€¦ his water damage can be just cleansed, at least Quintus damage is applied at once.

I canā€™t imagine the pain of pulling Owl instead of Gazelle or Panther when the Guardians Portal still existed. I donā€™t think Owlā€™s design is a total failure (unlike the other 4) but he should have been buffed to ā€œslowā€ speed nowadays already. Azlar, Quintus and Horghall are also ā€œaverageā€ speed level since 2020.


Klaern is still better than Exeera. He is bond to do at least SOME damage other than slash or tiles

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Makes sense! At least sheā€™s average. I canā€™t speak much because Iā€™ve tested him more in beta than her. I think Iā€™ve missed her beta. Her water dot is uncleansable for fire heroes too if I remember right.

So in other words, uselessā€¦

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Kinda of :rofl: just trying to avoid discussions about him and how useful he is on VF tournamentsā€¦

VF tournaments are low hanging fruit. Anyone can perform in that mode, just maybe not snipers.

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I got lucky and pulled xbolphodā€¦ So Iā€™m really exploring using slow heroesā€¦ But this guyā€¦ Gonna pass on that. Even at average speedā€¦ Heā€™s not very good.

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The worst HotM of 2022 so far. The only function is the food for future SE.


That is a poor hero, comparable to worst 2021 ones

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This guy is july right? So isnā€™t there a new seasonal event running then?
Legends of Kalevala

So new event will use EHT and draw pulls. Do you see where Iā€™m going with this?


New event starts in June though so you can avoid this if you want to.


Considering the food and materials needed, even 4*s from Sand Event are better than this hotm.

Plus even the ice 3 star from Kalevala is better than him too.

Outside of a crazy buff or an unforeseen synergyā€¦ Heā€™s going straight into the soul exchange.


He can profit from exeeraā€™s massive water DOT, thatā€™s all