in current version she dispells only 1
so No she isnt better than sonya if you want her for this ability
actually a dispell to 1 is mostly useless
way better then sonya in particular situations (red rare or against tount heroes) but not that essential
Nice as that would be, really doubt ZG/Zynga allows that since it could actually be another real counter to Ludwig not behind a huge paywall.
Innate ability pretty useless, doesn’t even cast dispel-able buff on itself. Would be more interesting if you make it Mana gain on buff dispel from the target of the special skill for next 3 turns. And if you make it dispel 3 targets just lower it from 10% to 5%.
I’m not sure she’d even be amazing if her dispel went to the entire team. Tbh, I don’t know what this hero needs, but a better damage profile is almost certainly part of it
She is most definitely used to counter Dodgers like c kad. That is a status effect, so the dodging is useless against the dispel. But iris still needs to fire first
I get that, but one hero only at present and must be fired first… this effect is simply not strong enough to necessitate such low damage output
this is counter hero vs taunt and good one… no need for target 3 heroes, that way its massivly overpovered and kills ludwig who is premium behind paywall. ITs like you create anty resurrection hero and kill alby mn and ll…just change dispel with surpress resurection
They should make the dispel Buff to also 3 persons. Only one is too weak i think. Sonya Dispel is much better than this HOTM.
You might as well just use malosi to shut down those heroes at this point. Her DispOT is useless if it’s only going to target 1 hero
It’s pretty much a gimmick effect. A regular dispel is still better and DispOT’s only use is to counter stall teams who can buff up their teammates in different turns. DispOT really needs to be applied to all targets or else it’s a really pointless skill
An anti resurrection hero is coming in s4 kravekrush was in beta he’s red and should be the last hero when the final provinces release.
I wonder if her minor dmg part is buffed as well if centre hit his a red hero (bonus dmg to reds) ?
If anyone has Athena (similar), can probably answer that quickly
She will be useful even for top levels.
Dispelling buffs for 3 turns on taunt heroes like Ludwig and Krampus. I could use a couple of her during rush wars.
She’d make a nice upgrade for those of us who use Sonya still.
Actually no maybe not if she only does one hero.
Silly me
Very weak tho. Compare to Athena, Athena is way better.
She only dispel one target for 3 turn.
She needs to dispel all for 3 turn.
Or at leas all hit heroes.
- Dispells buffs from the target at the end of each turn for 3 turns.
Does this mean at the end of every turn (end of my turn - end of enemy’s turn - end of my turn) or only at the end of enemy’s turns?
Enemy’s turn.
It’s like burn. At the and of his turn he burns.
Doesnt this make her Really underpowered then?
Enemy could be buffed at start of turn, attack you, then it gets dispelled after you have taken the damage. Then next turn a different hero could buff the enemy you have selected they do max damage again and then get dispelled after the damage has been done.