🧪 Early information on the December 2020 HOTM (Reuben)

Hero Attack Defense HP
Reuben 760 731 1310
Thoth-Amun 731 694 1361
Thoth-Amun V2 760 731 1283

I think it is not the same or maybe I didn’t know Thoth-Amun already get buffed? I don’t have Thoth-Amun.

EDIT: Well, correct, Thoth-Amun already buffed. In my sheets (based on @Guvnor data) and also allheroes.eu still not yet updated.

EDIT2: I copied from this thread:
:information_source: Thoth-Amun – 5* Dark/Purple - Nov 2017 HotM
The stat text is like reuben, but the image is still old data. So, I’m not sure here. Any one have Thoth-Amun can confirm?

EDIT3: It seems the 2nd version Thoth-Amun stat is not valid. Thanks @amrath.

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