đŸ§Ș Early information on the April 2021 HOTM Frosth

Heimdall is an essential part of my offensive green stack. Gravemaker never gave me problems. I never understood the hype.

I find it hilarious, this hero is the one of theworst HOTM hands down , and has so many trying to justify its use , but same people tear other HOTM down because when released they are not considered #1 in the game .

Minion boost does jack and you are hoping it’s does a minor minor boost to passive heroes minions
Ariel is hands down 1000% better


was the same thing when noor was released, people trying to convince he will be good if you ad this + this + this + this
this hero is useless by itself, maybe if he was released late 2017/early 2018 he would have been ok when there were only very few minion summoner and almost no minion counters

But for a 2021 hero he is totally broken
bera and freya are good by themselves, dont need others to shine
Frosth needs other great heroes beside him to be able to make a little sparkle


But Noor IS good, for some things. People look at defence as though it were the be all and end all of utility.

I think it’s right to look at a hero and see what use can be made of them, rather than to dismiss it as useless out of hand. As for Ariel being better - well, if I had Ariel I wouldn’t bother then :stuck_out_tongue:

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The only way to get rid of parasites is really minons at this point In time. So maybe could be useful for a period of time. If you have glenda and this dude they add minons for the team.
Will take 3 minions to get rid of one parasite fully.
Just a thought.

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True, and then, at the end, I think there is always a good place for every hero and we can’t understand their usefulness until we play with them.

The hated Carol has found a good place in my red roster and I like her (at example).


Another throwaway. It’s clear they don’t plan to release a good hero of the month ever again, and if they do so by accident they’ll nerf it and make it useless. That’s probably because too many people get the HOTM and their greed is never-ending. Nobody will be allowed a great defense team ever again unless they spend (at least) 5 figures per year.

Tangent: I’ve spent well into four figures in every year of playing this game. Other than one or two Atlantis pulls years ago, I’ve NEVER pulled a top hero who wasn’t a hero of the month, and both of those have been nerfed to near-uselessness. I’m not a lawyer—oh, wait, yes I am!—but nerfing seems like a deceptive practice that would violate most states’ consumer fraud statutes. (Nobody wave the user agreement in my face, please—I promise I have more legal experience than any of you, and when a state attorney general finally decides to sue a game developer for taking away digital property that consumers paid thousands of dollars for, I can pretty much guarantee the user contract won’t get in the way.) In any case, they are subtly changing the game and making it even MORE of a pay-to-win by releasing HOTM after HOTM that does nothing but add decoration to an attack or defense team. Noor is terrible and this guy is worse. It doesn’t matter how fast a hero is if they don’t do anything. (Malosi, anyone?) There’s a place in the game for niche heroes as the biggest spenders build legions of 80, 90, 100+ maxed five stars, but most or all of the recent HOTMs are not “niche” heroes. They’re just bad—so bad that the words “niche hero” have become a euphemism for “bad hero.”

The throwaway hall of shame just keeps growing. Noor, Zocc, Malosi, Clarissa (No, Virginia, she’s no Gravemaker), Reuben, Malincna, Noor, and Grimble are just a few examples of the unleveled junk cluttering up rosters throughout the server. Some of their abilities are so confusing that a lot of players are probably hanging onto them in the hope of figuring out a “niche” for them someday—and this is a smart maneuver for the greedy, because players will pay ever-increasing sums to increase their roster sizes to house heroes they’ll never actually figure out. Or, they’ll spend for materials to level up heroes because the hero is actually worse than they think. (For example, how many people leveled up Reuben thinking he reduces damage from specials, when he actually only reduces damage from status ailments, making him one of the most pointless heroes in the game given that there are heroes who BLOCK status ailments? And given that THOSE heroes are themselves not great but just okay?)

This HOTM: F. All other recent HOTMs: F. An utter garbage train, another money-grab strategy from a game that already grabs way too much.


Cannot agree with you. Yes, now there is no Seshat (which is clearly fast Domitia) in HoTM, but good HoTM exists.

  1. Zocc is better than Elkanen and Kadilen, and very useful on map. Blockers are always welcome.
  2. Malosi is VF counter for top taunters like BK, for any DoT and status aliment. He is very good in PvP.
  3. Clarissa is not Gravemaker, yes, but she is usable in stacked purples, because she is much more durable.
  4. Malicna is clearly for speeding up slow heroes. And she is very good in this task.
  5. Grimble is very good on minion wars, even better than praised Uraeus.

Garnet and Grazul is great, as Guardian Gazelle. Reuben now suddenly become better, because his minion can try to clean Elizabeth’s fiends. And he can be good with C.Marj.


If, by this, you mean Malosi is not extremely useful: you, sir, do not know of what you speak. If you’ve only met him on defence, of course, you aren’t seeing him at his best. Not every hero was made to be a defender.


Yeah, I actually laughed out loud when I read that.

Malosi is horrible?image


He’s absolutely useless!!

My Level 1 Malosi just keeps dying!! Can’t get him to do anything

(sarcasm off)


I have Malosi, and I agree! They should totally buff him. :grin: At least give the guy a sword or some armor or something! How much damage can you even do with just your fists?


Okay, okay, granted, that does look like it hurt a bit

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My Malosi keeps embarrassing the rest of his team with his deranged look and tongue hanging out. I am hoping Costume Rigard can give him some fashion pointers.

I don’t mind Frosth. He could make my minion team.

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Ariel is hands down 1000% harder to get.

Fixed it for you.