šŸ§Ŗ Early information on the April 2021 HOTM Frosth


Hereā€™s how I thought it worked:
20% minion + Frosth buff (20% of minion HP)= 24% HP

Are you saying it works like this?
20% minion + Frosth buff (20% of hero HP)= 40% HP


I am saying that, much like the Christmas heroes add 10% total, notā€¦ 10% of the 10%.

If he turns a 10% minion into a 30% minion as opposed to a 12% minion heā€™ll be an amazing hero.


Oh my! Yes, thatā€¦ That changes things. That would change things a lot.


Keep in mind Iā€™m not 100% on thisā€¦ but I canā€™t really see any other way for Bera to have minions that beefy.

Can anyone give a confirmation on this? Would Frosth add 20% minion HP to make Freyaā€™s minions reach 24%, or would it be 20%+20%=40% HP per minion?


Wtf is this a 2* hotm? Most underwhelming hereos even worst than noor

Unfortunately he only adds the % to existing HP of a minion.

Letā€™s say his regular minion has 166 HP. If you summon another of his minion the first gets the HP buff and with that buff it has 199 HP.

For the attack, if the ā€˜naked minionā€™ hits for 12 HP, the minion with a buff hits for 14 HP.

The change is really barely noticeable.

Agree that if his skill changed the HP of minions from 10% to 30% that would make him a hero to consider. In current shape however, you are better off just taking a minion maker that summons a minion with 20% hp already. At least you wonā€™t risk his 10% weakling to overwrite already existing one with more HP.


Iā€™ve got a lot of minions summoner heroes (Red Hood, Lady of the Lake, Mother North, Queen of Hearts, even Gefjon if she manages to steal one or two minions), and I find Frosth quite interesting. He could be fun to play with.


He needs to cleanse everyone if minions are down. Plus higher minion HP%, would be great for defense

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that name makesth my thongue hurth :slight_smile:


Let us check the 5* heroes that summon minions to allies:

YELLOW: Delilah, (Inari does not really summon a minion as it is a result of the allies dodging the specials)

PURPLE: Bera, Freya, Zulag via Element Link, (Seshat and Toth-Amun only summon for themselves)

RED: Santa Clause, Red Hood, Noor, Reuben via Element Link (Queen of Hearts only summons for herself and Puss can only summon minions to allies if they are minion summoners too)

GREEN: Lady of the Lake, Mother North, Telluria, Bertila via Element Link

Blue: Glenda via Element Link, Krampus

Frosth would be a welcome addition to the blue roster of heroes since she is fast mana and with very good stats.

I tend to agree with this interpretation. Sadly, the increase in attack and health for the previous minions existing is negligible. But again, she should be fun to be played with. Glenda to be fired first to activate her minion Element Link) and Frosth would be having minion field days in mono, with this new HOTM giving mana over time. Imagine Ariel with such team. Mana galore. Itā€™s something new for blues. Even if subpar in comparison with Freya, Iā€™d still welcome her, much more if she is buffed a little by adding her some skills like an attack and/or defense buff, and/or minion increase %age in attack and health.


Hmmmā€¦ now Iā€™m a bit confusedā€¦ I saw a photo with a Bera minion at 655 hp (next to two Frosth minionsā€¦ health on them being 339 and 406) Iā€™d share but obviously thatā€™s against the rules so yeahā€¦

I didnā€™t see what hero they were on though so maybe it was on krampus or something with 3 hero family and bera and frosth.



I forgot Krampus. Edited. Missed anyone else?

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Is that a frost minion skill or is it a buff? This is going to be a poor manā€™s freya

I read this description and thought it was +another 10% of your heroes hp and got super happy because this would be a badass hero that I would want to get. Then i saw everyone say itā€™s just +10% of your minions hp and got sad because that would be pretty lame (especially when comparing side to side with Freya). Then, i saw @amessofamind thinking it was the same thing i was thinking of and got happy again!

I would love to get a confirmation on this from anyone in beta if you can!


Wellā€¦ if itā€™s one thing itā€™s OP, if itā€™s the other thing itā€™s UP, so either way Iā€™d be expecting a change before long. Save up your gems by all means, April will be here before you know it, but he could be a very different hero before he actually launches. Or to put it another way: read that disclaimer in the top post!


@Guvnor Do you know if ā€¦

ā€¦as @FroggyRay asks?

Even if he adds 20% hp to minions I think it still wonā€™t be op. A hero can have 3 minions and the next cast would override them, so basically you can have an x+20% x+40% and x+60% minion, best case scenario. But you would need 3 casts for that. If I recall correctly the oldest minion gets the damage, so that means the others have a good chance to say alive.

He could be pretty powerful, but since minions are overriding and the counter minion heroes, I think he will be fine. (Yet I donā€™t think he wonā€™t see changes until release). He is a minion specialist and I like that, also my blues are crap, looking forward to this hero.