🧪 Early Information on Round 5 of Fox Heroes - Ember [Part of The Beta Beat v75]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on inital release of Round 5 of Fox heroes - Ember

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Fox Heroes

*There are a total of one (1) new hero added to Beta for testing.

*The name of the new hero is:

  • Legendary: Ember

Fox Family:

Heroes become stronger when teamed with other unique Heroes of the same family.

Bonus for 1/2 Heroes

  • This hero summons 1/2 Sly Fox Minions with 2% health and 100% attack inherited from the hero.
  • Sly Fox Minion has 80% chance to dodge incoming attacks.
  • When Sly Fox Minion dodges, it steals the latest dispellable buff from the atracker, and gives it to its owner.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Ember - The Fire Caller Fox

Ember – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 1144

Attack: 1227
Defense: 1205
HP: 1802

Class: Wizard
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Fox
Aether Power: Ailment Immunity

Passive: Decreased Healing
All enemies get -50% healing.

Special Skill: Firewall

  • Deals 350% damage to all enemies.
  • Summons a Firewall Minion for all allies with 40% HP inherited from the caster.
  • Each time a Firewall Minion is attacked by normal attacks or Special Skills, the attacker receives 1350 Corrosive Burn damage over 3 turns.
  • When a Firewall Minion is destroyed, it deals 200 damage to the attacking enemy.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • February, 25, 2024 – added for first look testing.

:link: Related Threads


ummmm, 350% damage to all at Average

“Heals” for 40% via the minion that does an additional 450 damage per turn to whatever hero hits it with a tile or special, an extra 200 damage for killing the minion (that will have 1600 HP).

Gonna have to pin up a list of the heroes that are especially damaging to minions.

F***-me… [whistles, shakes his head and ambles off stage]


I could imagine this one being run with C-W3K x4. That would be really nasty without Styx or new Ninja hero.

Otherwise Nidavellir fire heroes will have this fox for snack. Minions will refuel that Empowered Fire Resist to heal back all damage from initial strike then kill minions. Still, 40% extra HP is a lot to whittle down even with Gandr.

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Anvari licking his lips. The perfect counter to this hero

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Wow sun quan is just worthless at this point lol

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This is also papyros but done better

This hero is a bit too much even for today’s standards?

Maybe nah. I’m short on minions removers maybe.

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Would it be correct to say Lunar heroes are a good counter to him?

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Lunar plus a minion remover should do the trick since it doesn’t mention that the minions have any special resistances like the W3K minions do.

Imagine this paired with C Diao / C Zhuge / C Cao-Cao or whichever W3K so the minions cannot be removed or disabled… ugh.