🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Challenge Event Hero Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v54]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Round 2 of costumes for Challange Event heroes heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:performing_arts: Costumes!!!

There are a total of 2 new Costumes being tested in v54.

5 :star: — Legendary Costumes

  • Guardian Gazelle – Swift Striker of Teltoc

4 :star: — Epic Costumes

  • Guadian Jackal - Bone Collector of Teltoc

NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the costume bonus.

Guardian Gazelle — Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Normal Guardian Gazelle

Costume Guardian Gazelle — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 822

Attack: 812
Defense: 784
HP: 1381

Class: Fighter
Family: Guardians
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Average

Special Skill: Bandalora Dance

  • Removes all status effects from all allies except the caster. Removes even status effects that are otherwise undispelable or uncleansable.
  • Recovers 48% health for all allies.
  • For 4 turns all allies except the caster starting dancing the Dance of Spirits:
    • +150% attack.
    • Reduces all received damage by -30%.
    • Gives immunity to new status effects.
    • If the caster dies, the dancer receives 100 damage and their mana is reduced by 100%.
    • This effect can’t be dispelled, but it gets removed if caster dies.

Guardian Jackal — Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Normal Guardian Jackal

Costume Guardian Jackal — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Epic/4*
Power: 680

Attack: 675
Defense: 666
HP: 1236

Class: Barbarian
Family: Guardians
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Very Fast

Special Skill: Severing Strike

  • Deals 280% damage to the target.
  • The caster and nearby allies get +94% defense against Dark for 3 turns.

NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the costume bonus.

:performing_arts: Costume Bonus

Changed in V36.2 of Beta, the Non-Season 1 Costumes impart a DIFFERENT costume bonus to what is applied to Season 1 Costumes.

Here we have the smae costume bonus as Haloween or Season 2 Event Heroes.

Stat S1 CB
Challange Event Hero CB
Summer Event Hero CB
Season 2 Hero CB
Halloween Event Hero CB
Santa’s Challange Event Hero CB
Attack 5% 3% 2%
Defence 5% 3% 2%
HP 10% 6% 4%
Mana 5% 1% 1%

NOTE: All numbers are presented above are INCLUDING the costume bonus.

:hugs: Family Bonus

The costumes have the same family as the original hero.
The normal and the costume version of a hero is counted as two unique heroes.

:arrow_up: Beta Updates

19 December 2022

New costumes arrived to Beta.

:calendar: Release Date


:link: Related Threads


Jackal Costume is a joke :kissing:


Gazelle costume will be great against titans, Jackal is usefull only for costume bonu


Is Jackal’s costume Dark or Holy, @PlayForFun ? Can costumes switch colour?

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Of course it is Holy, I have fixed the OP.


Does jackal costume get the same 5/5/10/5 costume bonus as the legendary challenge event costumes?

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Yes, the costume bonus is matches with Season 1 costumes for the Epic costume too.


Devt Team ran out of ideas.

From EDD to Defence Up. Reflect purple would have been more useful.

Guess 4* not supposed to be able to take out the current strong purples.


The most useless (and it will be the most unused) costume of this game’s history. Jusy give Jackal a buff to his stats without that joke of a costume


I see two uses for C. Jackal
a) For v. fast combo-hits. First, standard Jackal hits and inflicts -54 % against yellow. Second, C Jackal hits with his 280 %. Too bad, his attack stat is that much lower :neutral_face:
b) as a very fast counter to C. Panther (although, in this case an undispellable 94 % Def buff against purple would be much better, of course)

Make his debuff undispellable and people would try to get him.

Nevertheless, good to see at least one new 4* costume. 4* heroes used to be the backbone of the majority of players. Against the latest super-powered 5* heroes, however, the are becoming more and more useless.

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Challenge event 1 is becoming more desirable than challenge event 2. Gazelle’s costume is more offensive than defensive, but comes with healing so it’s all around better.
Jackal can reach 30% mana regen with costume bonus, a 20% mana troop and a bard in the team, so that’s something. 30% mana means firing in 5 tiles. Plus the costume bonus helps with his awful defense.

what is that G jackal costume even doing in beta? :face_vomiting:

Although I do agree with this. Making it undispellable would make him better for normal raids and tourneys

Another buff type of situation with gazelle. This should have been a buff for gazelle. Costume should cause the enemies to dance and if you kill the leader you drain all their mana

Hard skip


Jackal costume is a joke… There are so many other ideas that they can make his costume better:

  • Elemental def down to 3 at 130%
  • Regular def down (so budget players can pair Jackal and c.Jackal on titan hits for both elemental and regular def down)
  • Reflect purple like @BlackZed mentioned

It’s just sad how little effort is paid to 4* compared to more profitable 5*.

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That Jackal costume is very high on the list for most useless costume ever made lol. Can´t think of many that would be worse… Guess we´ll take the bonus for the original and ignore the rest.

Wait Santa Costume might rival this one now. When they buffed Santas damage, they forgot to buff the costume lol. So there´s another one that will never ever see play time… plus the christmas costumes have a close to zero costume bonus…

Anyway not every costume has to be a major upgrade to the original, but at least make it something different that is still useful, so we can switch depending on situation. This Jackal is pure junk!

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Once again $G don’t give a monkeys about the 4* when they know it’s the OP 5*s that the whales will be chasing. That Jackal costume is abysmal.

Any chance this costume and others will be added to Hero Academy levels 5 & 8?

What’s the point of giving G.Jackal a costume if the change is basically the equivalent of what base Domitia does, with increased elemental defense? Also does anyone even prioritize having teams with those buffs?

cG.Jackal could be a mini-Khufu before he eventually gets nerfed. Keep elemental defense down on target but the attack chains to adjacent enemies.

C Gazelle will be a good upgrade over the original version

Let’s see if there are differences between Beta and releasing

that +94% defense up against Dark is certainly going to somewhat not really protect me from all those heavy hitting Dark heroes. If they included that Dark defense up and gave Jackal a -64% EDD, that might have made it worth pulling.

In other news, is the upcoming CE2 the one where we get to see the Hippo?