đŸ§Ș Early Information on Round 1 of Glass (Fourth) Season 1 Hero Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v73]


How many times are they going to milk these classic heroes. What’s next, abstract art classic heroes?


Cyberpunk Classic Heroes shaped like Cybertrucks.


Botero versions would be interesting. Just like those Botero-esque Xmas birds along Orchard road.

Naked season 1 would bring more money
just saying


Picasso Elena would :fire: though 


What will happen if a glass hero fires an other glass hero with an ailment ?
Infinite reverse ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


So I use Livia (ailment reflect for self and nearby is part of her special) and c White Rabbit ( chance for mindless attack on special) together often. Against s1 clerics like toon Viv, she reflects the MA back to my team, but when it tries to hit someone with reflect it says immune and the ailment doesn’t apply


Bummer, after the last Toon costumes were released I unloaded an O.R.geee of costume portal summons I had saved while waiting for my “best” (ahem, the leveled ones) to all get costumes and then be featured.

Had I been cleverer (more cynical) I may have waited.
This is a particularly appealing “what if” scenario to waste time on because I did not get any of the costumes I was hoping for in that splurge of summoning hence regret weighs heavily (as it does after most all splurges).


Wait until the combo twins come out. Have the healing power of vivica and the firepower of azlar in a single hero. They will just make the hero look like 1 half of the current toon costume. Like two face from the comics.

It’s a bad quick edit but it makes the point on how absurd these are getting!


How it feels


Actually that’s not a bad idea. Something like ‘elkanen and kadilen’ but the element is dark because they’re associated with moonlight
The problem is there’s no need for these. It’s the same freaking skill 4 times already, get over it!


Elena and vivica (holy)

Now that is something I would get by


Believe concept is termed “pairing” or “BFF”.

Use two paired heroes in conjunction to unlock a “power duo” passive. Like the HOTM EL link, but more specific.

Power Duo Passive can be anything from additional attack to instant revival with 20% HP.

Some competitor games have this feature. Can be :persevere::persevere::persevere: depending on the situation, if it’s defence.

Pokémon TCG has done it before with pairings like magikarp and wailord


I made pairings for all the classic heroes

Elena and vivica (holy legendary)
Class: fighter and cleric
Wall of healing: mana speed slow

  • Cleanse ailments for all allies
  • The caster and nearby allies counterattack with 155% attack for 5 turns
  • Recovers 60% health for all allies

Magni and justice (holy legendary)
Class: fighter and paladin
Ancient judgement: mana speed average

  • recovers 35% health for all allies
  • all allies get +63% defence for 4 turns.
  • all enemies get -40% accuracy for 4 turns, This includes damage from minions and mega minions. Against dark enemies, this effect becomes uncleansable and lasts 2 turns longer

Lianna and Thorne (ice legendary)
Class: ranger and paladin
Perfect finisher: mana speed fast

  • all damage from this special bypasses enemies’ minions and mega minions
  • deals 658% damage to the target.
  • deals 458% damage to the target and nearby enemies

Richard and isarnia (ice legendary)
Class: paladin and wizard
Glacial hammer: mana speed slow

  • Deals 380% damage to all enemies
  • All enemies get -34% attack for 5 turns. This effect can’t be cleansed
  • All enemies get -44% defence for 5 turns. This effect can’t be resisted

Obakan and Leonidas (dark legendary)
Class: barbarian and monk
Spartan counter: mana speed average

  • deals 320% damage to the target and nearby enemies
  • heals the caster by 35% of the damage dealt
  • the caster counterattacks with 115% of the damage received for 4 turns.
  • the caster decreases -10% mana on the attacker with each counterattack for 4 turns. The effect gets diminished for consecutive activations during the same turn

Quintus and Domitia (dark legendary)
Class: sorcerer and rogue
Bolt ultimatum: mana speed slow

  • deals 480% damage to the target
  • dispel buffs from the target and nearby enemies.
  • deals 280% damage to all enemies.
  • reduce mana of all enemies by 25%. This effect cannot be resisted

Elkanen and kadilen (nature legendary)
Class: cleric and druid
Moonlit grace: mana speed fast

  • Deals 365% damage to the target and nearby enemies
  • Boosts the health of the caster and nearby allies by 38% of the damage dealt
  • The caster and nearby allies get a moonrise ward for 3 turns, that reduces incoming special skill damage by 1000. Reduce damage by an additional 30% when the attacker is of the holy element

Azlar and horghall (nature legendary)
Class: barbarian and druid
Fury of nature: mana speed slow

  • deals 500% damage to all enemies

If the target has burn damage

  • deals an additional 80% damage to the target and refreshes all their status ailments

If the target has effects that affect attack (this includes stacks and wither effects)

  • deals an additional 120% damage to the target and all status ailments becomes uncleansable

Marjana and sartana (fire legendary)
Class: rogue and wizard
Dread blast: mana speed fast

  • Deals 390% damage to the target
  • the target receives 1580 burn damage for 4 turns. This effect spreads to nearby enemies
  • Deals 375% damage to another random enemy
  • the target receives 1712 poison damage for 4 turns. This effect spreads to nearby enemies

Joon and khagan (fire legendary)
Class: monk and ranger
Solar order: mana speed average

  • Deals 452% damage to the target.
  • If this attack bypasses defensive buffs, deals 452% damage to all other enemies
  • all enemies get -44% accuracy for 4 turns
  • all allies get +33% mana generation for 4 turns

Very scary Pairing Passive yah

That on top of their individual SS!

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I bet, they will latch on these ideas soon enough, possibly some in other costume variants
wooden, brass, steel, molten, vapor, smoke

Probably covered but do we know when these go live? Not sure it’s worth me pulling from costume this weekend unless these are going to be available :man_shrugging:

We don’t know, but the best guess is December 25th.

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Or maybe December 28th - there’s a difference between the official calendar and the game data !!!

Watch the December Calendar thread for updates from our most excellent oracle (Elioty33).