šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Round 1 of Glass (Fourth) Season 1 Hero Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v73]

I hope they all wonā€™t be Glass Cannon.


I have tested these in Beta ā€¦
To be honest my opinion is that itā€™s too soon after the Toon costumes ā€¦
Costumes are picking up pace with everything else in this gameā€¦
But seriously do we really need to have to level the same heroes again and again with all these costumesā€¦
And I donā€™t think all of these glass costumes are significant in what they achieveā€¦ itā€™s coming across as the developers being a bit lazy and going for a quick easy change to generate more income.
I donā€™t think the timing is right and I am not sure everything like emblem paths etc has been taken into account.
Couldnā€™t really try much in beta with regards to glass costume heroesā€¦. Mainly because I spent all of the gems on the new portal that looks to be being developed for ā€œbigā€ spenders.
Just my two pennies worth of course



This sums up my opinion very well

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now we need to max 5 hero if we pullā€¦ nice

Leaving aside the issues that ā€œanother roudn of costumes is really boring and lazyā€, this seems like absolutely horrible design. Reflecting status aiilments is an incredibly powerful skill, and giving it to everyone as a passive is just stupid It will make heroes that are based around giving status ailmentrs unusable on defence teams since they will basically give your opponent a free win Whats the point in making an entire class of heroes obsolete?


Imagine you have glass toons and the opponent too
It will be a status ailments ping pong match :laughing:


Another new one I havenā€™t seen in the wild :rofl:


This is why I stopped using Keys a few months ago. I had a sense a fourth set of costumes were coming.




Iā€™d like to sound off with ā€œnot interested,ā€ butā€¦

ā€¦since it seems like ā€œyo dawg, we heard you like costumes so we put a costume in your costume in your costume in your costumeā€ is about all there is left for me in terms of ā€œnewā€ heroes, soā€¦

Iā€™m gonna need a stronger drinkā€¦

ā€The Hitchhikerā€™s Guide to the Galaxy also mentions alcohol. It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster. It says that the effect of drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.ā€



Also? Carthago delenda est. #52RareQuestsAYear


predictable, but still disappointing, between this the new mega fiends the constant introduction of new families passives and power sprint i am feeling more and more inclined to quit, as things stand now you cant even get a few months out of your current best heroes before they are countered into oblivion or severely outclassed


Part of me wishes they would leave well enough alone, but of course they wonā€™t. Additional costumes, in particular the Toons, helped keep classic heroes somewhat relevant in the meta. And I appreciate that.

But over much of this year Iā€™ve found myself leveling costumes and not many new heroes. The logic being that a lot of my classic heroes are already emblemed and LBā€™d, and leveling costumes is faster than leveling a hero for the first time.

It would be nice to say, ā€œOk, Iā€™m done with these heroesā€ and be able to move onto others to expand my rosters.

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Since theyā€™re still doing this, Iā€™m hear to make the prediction:

  • Non-S1 heroes will be getting their own secondary costumes. They still donā€™t change the heroes enough to justify them, but will be a copy-paste, numbers adjustments and a class change.
  • Future heroes, including HOTMs, should, at this point, come with both a base AND costume if weā€™re going to endlessly add more unnecessary additions to the game that refuses to give out those fancy blue tomes that would help F2P players like myself get through their backlog of heroes.

The fact that they think S1 heroes need this much buffing but refusing to just buff the base heroes themselves is saying something. Itā€™s cheaper chasing for Event Heroes or the latest new additions that arenā€™t these.

At the very least, CHANGE THEIR SPECIAL SKILLS. Let Boldtusk deal some damage! Let Azlar give all allies reduced damage from both Ice and Nature enemies. Give Vivica her own version of Zhuge Liangā€™s summoning of minions and fiends or a fiend destroyer gimmick + boosted health per fiend destroyed.


They tried so hard to kill this game, and yet they never succeed. Their sales is high, and their angry customer stay. Thatā€™s why they try again this timeā€¦

More exciting times coming. Another round of stat buffs for S1 in preparation for Mega Fiends.

Well done Zynga! Thanks for planning ahead!

And now a wee request from me: since it requires 80% heal to shake off dem MF, would you consider upping heal % or HOT for all healers once MF goes on live duty ? My team needs to survive till I can activate my healers (yes: plural) to shake all fiends, F or MF. Thank you.


No, it already takes 2.5x as much to max the classicsā€¦3x for barely competitive with top tier? No.

Plan B to salvage year end bonuses when revenue targets from dragons havenā€™t quite worked out.


Would it not be better to do costume 2 or 3 or toon costumes for S2,3,4,5 first.

Even up the playing field

Or just have a S1 hard


Or maybe Untold Tales Deadly Level ? :wink:


Could even use it to open up space on the schedule. Shift bonus loot to Valhalla (so players donā€™t revolt), add S2 heroes to all portals with s1 heroes, feature C2 for S2 in costume chamber. When S2 heroes all get second costumes, move to the next season, same treatment. Even helps them out revenue-wise because the Costume portal gets diluted between the new, more desired S2 costumes, and the older, less desired s1 heroes