🧪 Early Information on New Tournament Rule: Dragon Tournament [Part of The Beta Beat v75]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the New Raid Tournament Rule: Dragon Tournament

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:crossed_swords: New Raid Tournament Rule: Dragon Tournament

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • February 05, 2025 – added for first look testing.

:link: Related Threads

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Dragons coming to main base.


First step towards adding dragon assists to raids. Not a fan

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It seemed inevitable that dragons would be pushed into main-game PvP, but

:-1: :-1:


not even at this slow-but-inevitable drip.

(Any bets that the first time dragon!tournament spawns, there “coincidentally” happens to be a tourney PoG weekly task? :roll_eyes: )

Ideally, a lot of us might just boycott the dragon!tourney and let the folks who have paid for fully ascending 5* dragons mostly beat up on each other.

—If the tournament is sufficiently unpopular, maybe it will demonstrate that we really don’t want to be constantly clobbered even more in raids, wars etc for having forever-stuck 4* dragons.


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Agree with @BobTheSnark .

IMO, Rather than making dragon involve in the main game,

If conversely they make heroes involves more in the dragon game, (heroes & dragons fight together, not this insignificant rider)

it may much raise my interest in the dragon world! (I gave this idea in 2024 feedback)


One thing I can say is that I already cannot compete in 5star tourneys, a 5star assist dragon is going to make zero difference to me. Since I hope to soon-ish max a 4 star Dragon that should then be OK I guess and I already have a 3 star assist Dragon. SO the only one really affected is the one I already don´t care about, so I don´t think it´ll bother me much so far. As long as the Dragons don´t enter wars I can ignore the rest :smiley:

Also the 1.5x effect seems rather irrelevant? I mean assist Dragons are right now not doing much at all, so 1.5x nothing is still nothing… unless these mentioned element links and whatnot actually do something.

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It’s less that I’m against the tournament per se and more against what it seems to be leading to, e.g. dragon!wars and dragon!raids and dragon!W3K etc.

Also generally just not a fan of widening the already existing gap, but hey.

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Figured this would happen eventually.

Will sign up to get participation number. :laughing:


Another step in making me care less about the game :stuck_out_tongue:


Don’t know what words to say/type/write… Just one sound:


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Sounds like hell no?

No for me. I did t even play Dragonspire much also.

Of course this was about to happen. And they will also be added to wars and everything else.

I actually expect that someday there will be dragon-oriented events in the main game (not only as assistants), so you’ll have to own dragons or you won’t be able to participate.