🧪 Early Information on new Season 4 Hero - Hulda [Part of The Beta Beat v46]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Sixth Round of Season 4 (Underwild) HERO.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:man_superhero: :woman_superhero: Season :four: Heroes

In addition to the “new” heroes added for testing in V37, I will also list the heroes we have previously seen in Beta but not been released to the live game.

5 :star: – New legendary Heroes

  • Hulda

Hulda – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 816

Attack: 758
Defense: 782
HP: 1479

Class: Cleric
Element: :new_moon_with_face: Dark (Purple)
Family: Underwild

Ability: Increase Buff Duration – Duration of the first 3 buffs this hero receives from special skills is increased by 1 turn.

Mana Speed: Average

Special Skill: Pet Larva

  • Summons a Larva Minion for each ally with 31% HP inherited from caster. The Minion recovers 11% health of its owner at the end of each turn.
  • The Larva minion gives +24% mana generation for its owner as long as the owner has Larva minions. This effect can’t be dispelled.
  • The Larva minion gives +54% defense for its owner as long as the owner has Larva minions. This effect can’t be dispelled.

:hugs: Family Bonus

Per V36, all heroes are a member of the same family (Underwild)

“Underwild Family” effect:

Families give bonuses for each unique Hero of the same family in battle.

Bonus for 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Heroes:

  • a% / b% / c% / d% / e% chance to spawn an Underwild Gem on board when this hero casts Special Skill

Underwild Gem deals x% damage to a random enemy each turn.

Underwild Gems can only be spawned on a normal shield on board that has the same element as this Hero.

Click for additional specific information

The exact damage done by an Underwild Gem depends on what Rarity Hero spawned it; The damge is:

  • Rare = 25
  • Epic = 35
  • Legendary = 50

The exact percentage depends on the mana speed of the hero:

Mana Speed a% b% c% d% e%
Very Slow
Slow 30% 36% 42% 48% 54%
Average 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%
Fast 20% 24% 28% 32% 36%
Very Fast 16% 19% 22% 25% 28%

:gem: Underwild Gems

Some more info on the Underwild Gems:

  • Any S4 hero special skill triggers the proc’ing of potentially spawning an Underwild Gem

    • Underwild Gem from attack team damages defence team
    • Underwild Gem from defence team damages the attacking team
    • Both types of gems appear on the board, replacing a tile;
      • attacking team ones have a green up arrow on them;
      • defending team ones have a red down arrow on them.
    • Not yet clear if its possible to replace a Defence Underwild Gem with an Attacking Underwild Gem on the same tile spot…
  • Underwild Gems ONLY appear on the corresponding coloured tile to the hero who triggered it

    • i.e. yellow hero causes it? goes on a yellow tile
    • if there are no tiles on the board of that colour, no gem is formed.
  • Underwild Gem damage IS NOT affected by inherent elemental resistances (i.e. yellow will do 50 damage when striking a yellow enemy)

  • Underwild Gems CANNOT spawn on special shields (tiles)… So won’t form on a Dragon Bomb, Diamond or a Runic Rock.

  • Underwild Gems get cleared from the board in the usual way.

    • Matching them
    • Exploding them by a Dragon Bomb
    • Clearing with a Diamond
  • Underwild Gems CAN be moved (unlike Runic Rocks).

  • Damage from Underwild Gems processes at the end of the turn after tile cascades

:link: Beta Update

  • 02/21/2022 - Hero arrived for testing

:link: Related Threads


Thats an OP meat shield if I’ve ever heard one.


Sounds like we might have yet another purple tank to dominate the fields :smiley:


Meanwhile, Red Hood is crying.


wow, these are some of the most beneficial minions I’ve seen…

Wish I could be a fly in the wall in beta, to see what the beta tester comments are


My LB Eloise is drooling, lol!


@PlayForFun So, this minion has no attack stat?

Know exactly what you mean. Mine is crying too.

Yup. It’s a Trinity Minion : Health, Mana Boost n Defence. Would be dreadful if Hulda is fast. :joy::rofl:


Correct. This minion does not have an attack stat, and it is not attacking the opponent.


If you combo inari and red hood minions and add more you get this new hero.

31% with 11% heal at end of turn I effectively count as 42% heal. The problem I have with minions like this is that if you’re at full health, the minion healing and not attacking loses its additional benefits. I’d rather it do 5% boosted health.
I haven’t faced too many red hoods in over the years, but the health from minion has never been a problem.
This does limit effects that hit heroes and not the minion.

24% mana generation will be much nicer on defense. I’d rather it be direct mana gain.

54% defense is a nice boost and will help the minion last longer.

I like the idea of Hulda at tank. Boost the wing heroes and that defense will be tough to deal with. But freya and bera can summon a minion faster. Xnolphod can provide direct mana.

On offense do you treat her a healer? Would I miss cleanse from costume rigard?

I’m probably undervaluing a lot and will get crushed when I face her live.

She looks like a solid hero who does a lot of things. The more I think of her as a healer the more I like her. I don’t want her as much as some of the other season four heroes (Hannah, Liz, xnolphod).


The most important thing to learn from her is, if her minions mana gen stack with odins mana gen (same skill but applied differently),…

She looks great on paper and all but I won’t chase her after seeing what happen to C.Krampus. As a matter of fact, I am no longer going to chase any powerful heroes on release because what’s the point? They are going to get nerf anyway.


i wonder if Frosth’s minion boost would give Hulda’s minions attack

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Undispellable mana gen. Undispellable def up. Seems like a nightmarish supportive hero in defense.
Wish i could clone my Gefjon :see_no_evil: Heroes who destroy minions are becoming a must,

Shouldn’t the class be cleric though? @PlayForFun

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On the defense team, I’m not very impressed with this hero.
As all minions will be wiped out by C. Gormek or Grimble unless she or her allies resist the removal of minions.
On the offense team, she seems to be a great hero.

Now I’m thinking i need to limit break Grimble…


Sorry, yes, thx. I am always mixing these two classes…


I have a hard time getting into tanks that do no damage. I could just flow tiles into Hulda and bring minion cleansers. Topaz would work very well here.

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