đŸ§Ș Early Information on New Lunar New Year Seasonal Event Gameplay & Rewards [Part of The Beta Beat v54]

Why are the Chinese heroes the enemies? Shouldn’t it be the animal heroes which makes a lot more sense?

The story goes all the past animal heroes are invited to contest in a race, including the new ones. Only 2 are selected and crowned champions. It is match fixed and we strike a deal with the rabbit and tiger to take down the opposition so that they can be the winners. Which is why the stages exist, to kill the other animal heroes. Yes
we’re hitmen for this.

I mean
 someone made the decision to make the S1 ratio 99.5% of all summons, in a vast departure from previous portals. I think it’s reasonable to ask why.

And just to be clear: I’m not necessarily against the “let’s have a new season, because it means a chance to have a new month of seasonal sales offers even” sort of thing, as that’s separate from the portal per se. I mean 
 Kalevala last year had a full spread of heroes and similar portal summoning odds to usual seasons.

(Having said that, I feel that the game certainly doesn’t need to accelerate the overall pace of new hero releases, because of general exponential power rush and because of QC issues with releases. But accomplishing this by having new heroes only be accessible to those willing to chase particularly terrible odds?)

In this seasonal, it really is the portal and its odds that really stand out as

In general, I would say that this could well be a reason for the portal to change the odds. However, I might argue that going from “21.5% chance of any seasonal hero, even smaller” to “0.5% chance of any seasonal hero” is less “tinkering” and more “chainsaw, flamethrower, then nuke it from orbit just to be sure.”

It’s such a drastic change that it’s not clear what it’s supposed to be testing, unless the “tinkering of the odds” here actually means


This event is now live and on going.
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